Chapter 982 Discussing the traitors
After Lin Fan left the sect recruitment, he didn’t actually go to the Love Sect.
Instead, he headed to the palace that had been established for Mu Bao Bao.
Since she insisted on moving the center of government to Dungeon City, it was only natural that a palace would be built for her.
This was the royal palace of the empress of the Mu Empire, as well as where most of the officials spent their time.
They had gotten used to working in Dungeon City after some time, but from time to time, there were some officials that complained about moving the capital to Dungeon City like this.
Though they naturally didn’t dare complain about this out loud. My Virtual Library Empire
Today, the ministers were all gathered in court.
When Lin Fan arrived in court, all of the ministers immediately turned their attention to him.
With the way that they looked at him, it was as if they had been waiting for him the entire time.
That was because they had indeed been waiting for him all this time.
With the grim look that was on all of their faces, it seemed that what they had been waiting to discuss with him was quite the serious matter. Though it didn’t seem like the matter that they wanted to discuss was about Lin Fan himself.
It was just related to him to a certain extent.
Lin Fan didn’t pay much attention to the ministers that were staring at him as he went forward to where someone was sitting on the throne. Once he approached, he went to the side and sat down on a smaller throne that was beside her throne.
This was the decree that Mu Bao Bao had given previously.
She had specifically prepared a special throne for him as her man, even though the ministers had all protested this.
They naturally didn’t want to let Lin Fan get closer to Mu Bao Bao, they even wanted to prevent them from seeing each other. But at the same time, they had to appease Mu Bao Bao since she was the one that controlled the Mu Empire.
At the same time, they had to admit that Lin Fan was the only one that could actually control Mu Bao Bao. He was the one that had helped them stop her from doing all of the crazy things that she had proposed before.
But that didn’t mean that they wanted to hand over power to Lin Fan.
However, since it was Mu Bao Bao’s decree, they had no choice but to follow.
After Lin Fan sat down, there wasn’t anyone that said anything.
Rather, they just looked at Mu Bao Bao who was sitting there with a piece of paper in her hands. She was looking at this piece of paper with a frown on her face as if she wasn’t happy with what she saw.
That was what caused the ministers to look worried.
After a long moment of silence, Mu Bao Bao finally broke it by turning to look at Lin Fan to ask, “Are you certain of this list?”
At this, the ministers turned to look at Lin Fan.
With the way that they were looking at him, it was almost as if they were hoping that he would say that this list wasn’t accurate.
But Lin Fan just calmly said, “I’m certain of it.”
At that, Mu Bao Bao knitted her brows even more, but she didn’t cast her gaze on Lin Fan this time. This time, she turned to sweep her gaze across all of the ministers that were in front of her.
She angrily threw the list that was in her hand on the ground in the middle of the court and then shouted, “Look at this! There are all of these traitors in our Mu Empire and there wasn’t a single one of you that was able to find them! Why should I even bother keeping any of you!”
The ministers all trembled when they heard this.
After all, they knew that Mu Bao Bao wasn’t joking when she said this.
She would really throw them out of court and strip them of everything that they had if they didn’t give her a good answer.
In fact, there were already some that had been dismissed and stripped of everything that they had. But that was for a different reason since they had also been thrown in prison and were about to be executed.
After another long silence where none of the ministers dared to say anything, one of them finally stepped forward.
This person was the prime minister of the Mu Empire, though he didn’t really want to be the prime minister.
After all, the prime minister might sound like a fancy role, but it was actually one that no one wanted to take. That was because the prime minister was actually nothing more than the scapegoat for all of the other ministers.
Because he had a higher status, he was the one that had to speak up when the empress was angry like this.
“Your majesty, we did what we could, but they were too well hidden. Unfortunately, we don’t have any strange abilities like the Love Sect’s sect master does.”
There was a trace of bitterness in his voice when he said this.
It was as if he was blaming Lin Fan.
That was because he actually was blaming Lin Fan.
If it wasn’t for Lin Fan suddenly bringing this matter up and then finding all of those spies, which just went to show the incompetence of these ministers, they wouldn’t be in this situation.
But then again, he wasn’t actually blaming Lin Fan for doing this.
The ministers naturally cared about the Mu Empire, so they were happy to see that all of these spies were being found. They were even relieved that Lin Fan was doing all of this for them since leaving these spies was bad for the Mu Empire.
If these spies were left to their own devices, there was no telling what kind of damage they would have caused over time.
So the ministers were also grateful to Lin Fan for everything that he did.
But that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t complain about the things they had to do because of him.
Mu Bao Bao didn’t bother addressing the bitterness that was in the voice of the prime minister since she knew that there was no real emotion behind it. It was just a bit of venting because of the position that he had been put in.
Instead, she just asked, “How long will it take for you to take care of all of them?”
At this, all of the ministers once again revealed serious looks.
When this matter was brought up, not a single one of them dared to slack since this was a matter of national security.
They had to take care of these traitors as soon as possible to avoid any troubles in the future.
With a serious look on his face, the prime minister said, “Please give us a week. We want to end this matter as soon as possible, but it seems like we won’t be able to finish this in less than a week.”
Mu Bao Bao gave a nod before turning to Lin Fan as if she was waiting for him to say something.
“We can stall for this time.” Lin Fan said in a calm voice.
All of the ministers shot grateful looks towards Lin Fan when they heard this.
What he was referring to was the sect recruitment of the Love Sect, that would be spread out over a week to keep the attention of everyone on the Love Sect. That would give them the cover that they needed to take care of the traitors in the Mu Empire before anyone noticed and could stop them.
Mu Bao Bao also gave an appreciative nod before turning back to the ministers with a serious look and asking, “What about the ones that have already been captured? How much have you managed to get out of them?”
The prime minister wasn’t the one that spoke this time, instead it was another minister that came forward with a report.
With this report in hand, he gave all the details about what had happened to the ones that they had captured.
These were the representatives from the various sects that Lin Fan had reported before. They were also the ones that had been noticed by the others as missing.
They hadn’t returned to their own forces or been invited to a special place by the Love Sect, they had been secretly captured by the forces of the Mu Empire and imprisoned. During these past few days, they had also been tortured for information.
The torture that they suffered really wasn’t humane, but it was the only way to get them to talk.
And these representatives from the different sects talked in the end, proving that Lin Fan was right about them.
All of them admitted that their sects had connections to the Wu Empire, as well as what the sects had done over the years.
It turned out that these spies had been in the Mu Empire even before Mu Bao Bao became the empress.
And it wasn’t just the representatives from the sects, it was also ministers that Lin Fan had pointed out as traitors that gave information.
It seemed that the ministers had been slacking for a long timeโฆ
But they were eager to make up for it.
After hearing the report, Mu Bao Bao continued by saying, “Make sure to get as much information as you can and handle this matter as soon as possible. We don’t want to give them any openings at all.”
The ministers all nodded in agreement with serious looks on their faces.