Chapter 322: A Hefty Investment
Chapter 322: A Hefty Investment
After bathing with Ja-Young for a while in a lavender scented bubble bath, Alex emerged from the girl’s room with a wide smile on his face. He was ready to head back to America, where Aisha was waiting for him. But before he had the chance to do so, a pair of large mounds pressed against his back, while a pair of dainty jade like hands covered his eyes.
A feminine voice whispered in Alex’s ears the words he had only really seen in anime until now.
“Guess who?”
Alex smirked when he heard this, deliberately guessing wrong, knowing that he was going to piss off his mature lover, who was acting like a schoolgirl.
“Hmmm.. Could it possibly be Eun-Ji? No, that doesn’t make sense… What would she be doing in Hee-Young’s home?”
Though Hee-Young immediately released her grip over Alex’s eyes, she also bit into his neck as if she were a vampire, leaving a small trace of blood as she did so, before reprimanding Alex for being an ass.
“Why, you little prick! I go all out to surprise you and you don’t play along! I should tell your mother!”
Alex chuckled as he turned around and hugged the Platinum haired milf, kissing her as he did so in an intense display of passion. This, of course, caused the woman to blush, especially after Alex whispered in her ear before nibbling on it.
“Did my blood taste good? There’s more where that came from, you know…”Naturally, Hee-Young had nothing to say in response to such shamelessness, and instead looked away from Alex while blushing profusely. This caused Alex to laugh at her expense before dragging her off to her room.
“You know, you are way too cute for a woman your age. Come, I have something I wish to discuss with you…”
Hee-Young naturally followed Alex to her bedroom, expecting the man to make love to her like he had done to her daughter just moments before. However, instead, he sat down on her bed and demanded answers from her.
“Now that we have a moment alone together, I have been meaning to ask. How’s business?”
This sudden question about business, rather than pleasure, caused Hee-Young to snap out of her state of embarrassment, where she recovered almost instantly, but not before chastising Alex.
“Boy! You are such a tease! Fine, business before pleasure, right? Or are you going to leave me high and dry after fucking my daughter?”
Alex feigned offense at this remark while continuing to tease the platinum haired beauty.
“My lady, you offend me? Do you really believe that I would have such intentions?”
This remark only further caused Hee-Young to narrow her purple eyes at Alex in a state of fury, causing him to laugh once more before getting serious.
“Alright you win, get me up to speed on what’s been going on with your company, and then we can fuck like rabbits…”
This remark caused Hee-Young to roll her eyes before sitting down on the bed next to Alex where she went over how her business had been fairing after following Alex’s suggestions and receiving a hefty investment fund from Diana.
“Well, as you know, after following your advice, my company has gone from bleeding money to become quite the popular brand. And with Ja-Young acting as our model, we have gained a massive influx of customers. So much so that we are now within the top five cosmetics companies in Korea.
We have also begun expanding our line internationally with a focus on the Chinese, Japanese, and American markets. And yes, as a major shareholder, you will receive a share of the profits… Needless to say that things are going quite well at the moment and for the foreseeable future as well…”
Alex nodded his head before shocking the woman with a generous offer. One which she did not expect.
“Sounds good to me. How does a billion dollars sound? How much do you think you could expand with such an investment?”
Hee-Young was not expecting Alex to give her even more money to expand with than he had already done so. In the past, he had used Diana’s company, which was significantly bigger than Hee-Young’s, to invest. But now that the man was raking in 10% of Los Zetas’ yearly profits, he was quite literally gaining 50 billion dollars a year in cold hard cash.
Of course, Hee-Young didn’t know this. After all, her mind and those of his other women had been scrubbed of Alex’s admission of guilt towards drug trafficking during the rewriting of the narrative.
Though they would have no problems with it if they learned the truth, after all, their affection was maxed out, basically making their opinion of Alex being that of a god. It was still best if nobody knew about Alex’s illicit activities other than those were involved in them.
Because of this, Hee-Young was quite surprised by this offer, and was quick to ask if his mother was okay diverting such a large amount of funds to her business.
“Will Diana be okay with this? That’s a lot of money to take away from her own company. I don’t think it’s wise to give me so much money, even if you have the means to do so!”
Alex looked at Hee-Young strangely for a moment, which caused the woman to become confused herself. His words had further added to this confusion.
“What are you talking about? My mother has nothing to do with us, nor does her company. These are my own personal funds and believe me, I have a lot more where that came from.
It was only after he admitted that it was his own money and that it was not a big deal did Alex realize Hee-Young’s memories had been rewritten by the Queen of Hearts. But it was too late. Hee-Young was immediately curious about how he had come across this money.
But after debating it within her own mind for a moment, she chose not to ask, trusting the man to do what was best for their family without a second thought as she accepted the exceptionally large investment.
“Sure… A billion dollars, you say? I’m assuming that’s American? Yeah, with such a large investment I can guarantee you that in five years our company will be the largest cosmetics brand in the world!”
With this assurance, Alex smiled, and pulled out his phone, transferring the funds through various means so that the investment was completely untraceable. After doing this, He pushed the mature silver haired beauty next to him down on the bed and began to please her like she so desperately wanted.
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