Chapter 933 Order 227
The young Empress Itami sat within her quarters as her director of intelligence, Nakamura Hana, reported the incident that had occurred off the shores of Australia. She had a timid tone in her voice, as if fearful of how the young Empress would respond.
"Admiral Izumi Hiramori reports that the Germans have established a naval outpost on the western shores of a rather large landmass located in the southeast Pacific. He came close to engaging in a battle with the Germans, but ultimately decided not to at the last moment. By now, the Germans are aware that we know of their actions and should be formulating a response. What are your orders?"
A hint of rage flashed in Itami's crimson eyes as she glared towards her director of Intelligence. She was not angry at the woman, but rather at Berengar's actions. The man had boldly made a move towards Australasia before she could manage to do so. This was simply outrageous as she had plans for the coal and bauxite that existed within the continent.
However, if Itami were to make a move for Australia now, she would be inviting open warfare with the Germans. This put her in a precarious situation, as she was not ready for such a conflict. For now, all she could do was open up negotiations with the Kaiser over the issue.
"What else can we do? Send a diplomat to the German embassy in Beijing. I want to speak with their ambassador in person about this colonization effort."
Nakamura nodded her head and responded in the affirmative. She was slightly relieved that the Empress had not lashed out in anger over this news, as was evident by the tone in her voice.
"I will do so at once. However, before that, is there anything else you need of me?'
A stoic expression appeared on Itami's immaculate face as she slowly nodded her head in response to this question. There was indeed another question she had for Nakamura, and thus she was quick to voice it.
"Have you fulfilled Order 227 like I have asked? Have you attached members of the Kempeitai to every military unit to ensure that the men beneath my command are ideologically pure and have proper morale?"
A slight tingling sensation went down Nakamura's spine as she heard these words. She knew the real reason that Itami had attached members of her secret police to each military unit. While it was true that their official objective was to ensure loyalty to the Empress, and her cult of the war goddess.
Naturally, this was what Nakamura was thinking about as she heard Itami's question. It took her a few moments to find her voice. After all, she believed this secret imperative to be morally abhorrent. However, she also did not expect the soldiers to desert en masse when the order was given to face Berengar's buzz saw head on. After coordinating her thoughts, Nakamura nodded her head meekly before responding.
"Yes, tenno heika-sama. I have done as you instructed, though if I may be allowed to voice my opinions, I don't think it is a necessary measure, and is outright cruel to the men-"
Before the director of intelligence could finish her statement, Itami glared coldly at her, before lecturing the woman about her place in the world.
"Did I give you permission to speak your opinion? Know your place!"
The woman immediately kowtowed and pressed her head to the floor while begging the Empress for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry, this servant should know better. I did not mean to offend!'
Itami merely raised her hand to silence the woman before scolding her further.
"Your opinion is noted, but let me ask you this. When the time comes for war with the Germans, and I give the order for my soldiers to rush into the trenches. Do you think they will stand and fight with honor as they rush into the rapid fire of machine guns and explosive artillery?
No, I have not had enough time to cultivate an armed force of fanatically loyal men who are willing to throw their lives away for their Empress. When they hear the sound of Berengar's buzz saw echo through the air, and see their brothers in arms be torn apart by its bullets, they will abandon their weapons and run for their lives, and they would be right to do so.
These are mere peasants, conscripted to fight for my will. Do you honestly believe that I do not know what the average citizen of my Empire thinks of me? Tyrant, despot, dictator, usurper! These are the words that my people speak of me behind closed doors. They do not the have loyalty and reverence that the German people have for their Kaiser.
The average German man would willingly give up his life in pursuit of the Kaiser's glory. They will sail half a world away, and step foot on a battlefield, facing machine guns and artillery all for the sake of their leader's honor and that of their homeland.
Yet, such values do not exist among the common man of Japan! This is why I need my most loyal fanatics to be at the rear of formation, ensuring that these cowards will not break ranks and flee once they have been tossed into the meat grinder!
As for those who are disloyal among the ranks of your organization, make an example of them. I believe there was one specific officer of the Kempeitai who worked alongside General Shiba in the Joseon Kingdom.
Apparently, this man not only knew of the war crimes that my generals committed abroad, but actively conspired to withhold that information from me. I want him beaten to death by the members of his unit!"
Upon hearing Itami's speech, Nakamura could only lower her head and do as she was ordered. Itami's words had thoroughly educated her on the difference between the soldiers of the Japanese Military, and those of the German Empire. She knew now not to question the cruelty of the Empress's orders. Thus, she was quick to respond.
"Yes tenno heika-sama, I will do as you have instructed..."
After saying this, the woman departed from the room, just as the door was about to shut behind her. Itami called out once last time.
"Make sure to send in Hwa Min-Ah on your way out. I have words that I would like to speak with the woman!'
With that said, Nakmura had left Itami alone to think about what was about to transpire next. Her victory, no, her very survival, depended on the woman known as Hwa Min-ah, even if she did not know it yet.
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