The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2877 Status of Devdar's Inheritance

Chapter 2877 Status of Devdar's Inheritance

Minos and his family paid solemn attention to Devdar, while his crewmates could hardly breathe with the pressure of the mighty True Celestial between them. These ordinary Supremes were not used to the presence of imposing figures like this existence.

Devdar ignored the weaklings around him and said, "First, about your competitors, there are four of them left, apart from you. Two have already advanced to level 125, and I was hibernating in my dimension, waiting for the rest of you for the final stage of the competition for my inheritance."

This didn't come as a total surprise to Minos. Given the spatio-temporal distortions of his universe, he had already imagined that some of his competitors had lived much longer than him in the interval when he had been busy with Qhava and the problems connected to her. He also expected that some others besides the two enemies who had come to him would have fallen, leading to only the five current competitors- counting him.

"Of the three left in the universe, you are the weakest in level and are the furthest away from the two. I doubt you'll be able to reach them. That's why I'm telling you these things. Soli is one of the two who is still outside my dimension, having already reached the peak of level 124. She and the other remaining competitor might face each other before the last phase of my inheritance, though." He laughed, looking off into the distance, being able to see the positions of those two.

"I see... That's interesting, but why are you telling me this?" Minos asked doubtfully. "Because, as I said, you're my favorite and you will not interfere in the situation of these four. It wouldn't be possible, so telling you don't change anything about the last contest." Devdar looked into Minos' eyes again, took a step forward and then touched one of the boy's shoulders. "Minos, you've seen Hell and understand a little better what happens between Devils and Entitled Deities. You've disconnected from Hell, but Hell will hunt you down, just as it has been fighting the Upper Realm for a long time. Strive to reach level 125 as soon as possible and move to the Upper Realm. You need to prepare for the battles to come. Your family's continuity will depend on it."

Devdar's grave tone made the four 12th stage humans ponder deeply, with seriousness visible in their eyes and clenched fists.

Devdar wanted Minos to hurry up and join the forces of the Upper Realm in their battles against Hell-which would guarantee more challenges for them.

Abby raised one of her hands and said respectfully, "Senior, I don't want to be annoying or say things I don't know, but why all this enmity between the Upper Realm and the Hell? From my point of view, the Hell is necessary to the universe. Why fight it?"

Devdar had already foreseen this thinking on the part of individuals who were part of Hell's malicious and powerful influences.

"In part, you're right. Except because things aren't so simple and the Hell's purpose is a lot scarier than you think," he said as he looked at the blue-haired girl, understanding that she had seen Hell better than the other three. "On the surface, Hell is really necessary. But if you look deep enough, it's also the problem that makes it necessary.

In the distant past, Hell was just an essence. The Reincarnation Wheel. But at a certain point in the past, a primordial infernal entity tried to dominate this single

Reincarnation Wheel. He created the Throne of Hell to dominate the Reincarnation Wheel, but failed. In the end, he discovered a method of achieving what he wanted." "By splitting the single Reincarnation Wheel into thousands and thousands of smaller, weaker versions of it," Minos complemented Devdar's words, making the True Celestial look at him with a smile.

'Now you can even get glimpses of the future being with me... Interesting! Devdar confirmed, "That's the case. But that being failed and his plans didn't turn out exactly as he wanted, creating the problem that forces the Hell beings to take part in banishment rituals in every universe of existence. From this change, the problem that makes the Hell as necessary as it is today arose, as did the greed to gather all that power again and reach the Throne of Hell.

From this greed of the Devils, the Upper Realm saw its chance and need to strengthen itself. Hence, the clashes between the two sides were born." Devdar was honest in his words, "Anyway, while I don't pretend that the fight of the Entitled Deities has greedy motives, the Hell is not as essential to the balance as you think either.

Some of the corruption of that first Devil to initiate the splitting of the Great Reincarnation Wheel has mixed with the essence of the Hell, making it impure and evil. That's why we have to fight and bring the dimension back to its normal state!

That's why I'm here today!" He looked at Minos once more, his gaze solemn, as he had never shown this human before. "Minos, you have what it takes to help me reverse the Hell's condition. But for that, I need you in the Upper Realm. And for that, you need to reach level 125 and we need to complete the inheritance."

Minos didn't know what to think about the story told by Devdar. He genuinely had no reason to doubt this figure, who had helped him so much on his journey. But he wasn't foolish enough to think that things were so simple and that he could blindly trust Devdar's version. But he couldn't do anything now and followed the True Celestial's line of reasoning. "I'd love to do this as soon as possible. But I've just removed my crown and I'm weakened. I won't be advancing to level 125 anytime soon." Devdar nodded in acknowledgment of Minos' situation. "Right, you'd really need a lot of time without my help. But as I said, I'm going to give you a new opportunity, something that can help you and your wives." He gestured as he improved his appearance while leaving the subject of Hell behind.

"What exactly is this like?" Minos narrowed his eyes with interest.

"The rules of the Upper Realm prevent me from giving you anything more concrete, but I have a hint for you." He pointed to the pendant he himself had given Minos near the end of the last phase of his inheritance. "You can finally use my gift. Use it wisely and find your old ally. He has something for you that will help you much faster than the method you've just achieved."

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