Chapter 485 - Summer Plans
Chapter 485 Summer Plans
With that information, I wanted to talk to Jason at practice, but I didn't want to do it with Noah around. He had apparently sent some texts to his Dad during class and said his dad would handle it before we even got back from practice. Seeing him all calmed down, I didn't want to be a negative Nancy and share what Kyle said to me during math.
When we got home after practice, Noah went looking for his dad right away. I was going to go upstairs to shower before dinner, but Noah grabbed my sleeve and dragged me along. "Come on, this involves you too, Jake."
Errr, I guess.
We walked into the office downstairs where Mr. Atkins did a lot of his work.
"Dad!" Noah greeted. "What'd they say? When is our tryout?"
Mr. Atkins paused, then turned in his chair to face us. I could tell from the look on his face that he didn't have good news. I fidgeted. "Noah, Jake, how was practice?"
"Dad." Noah narrowed his eyes. "That wasn't a very good deflection."
Mr. Atkins showed a sad smile. "I'm sorry Noah. I made a few calls, but they seem pretty set on their roster already. Not everyone can make exceptions for you."
Noah looked crestfallen. "But, but I was on the team last year! Shouldn't that count for something?"
"We can find something else for you to do this summer instead." He offered. "There are camps and clinics of all sorts nearby. We can look into some-"
"That's not what I want though." Noah cut him off. "I wanted to play baseball this summer! Practicing and playing games. Real games! Not just training. Why pay hundreds to a camp that will teach me the same drills and skills that I already know?" He groaned, turned away and left. I could hear him stomping up the stairs in frustration.
Mr. Atkins sighed. He looked at me. "Are you upset as well, Jake?"
I shook my head. "I haven't really thought about baseball after this. It's just-" I lowered my voice. "I think, the other freshmen didn't want Noah to tryout."
Mr. Atkins gave me a sad smile. "I've heard. Kyle sent me a text and I asked some of the other parents."
I blinked in surprise. "What do we do now?"
"Forget about it." Mr. Atkins stood up. "I'll talk to Zeke and see if he can convince Noah he's better off without them. They would only hold him back and he wouldn't be in the right state of mind if the whole team doesn't want him there." He came near me and patted me on the head. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I do." I nodded. I just don't know if Noah will bow out like this. He's the type that fights for what he wants.
"Now let's talk about you." He looked down at me. "Are you ready for tomorrow? Will you be okay going to school tomorrow morning beforehand? Or do you think you'll need to mentally prepare yourself?"
Oh. "Well, Noah looked up his schedule and they're playing away games. So I know he won't be there. I'm not worried."
"Ah, good thinking on his part." He smiled. "I'm glad Noah looks out for you. Takes a lot off my plate sometimes."
Yea...he does look out for me...
"I'm gonna go now, bye!" I rushed out of his office and up the stairs. I tried calming myself down before getting to the room I shared with Noah. Walking in, I saw him at his desk, pulling out his homework. I cleared my throat. "You're not going to shower first?"
"I figured you would want to." Noah glanced up at me. "What took you so long? Did you and Dad talk about the court thingy tomorrow or something?"
"That..." I took a deep breath. "And about this summer ball team you want to join."
Noah brightened up. "Don't worry, I'll think of something! If we pester Dad and Mom long enough, I'm sure they'll do something or other to get us a tryout."
"I don't want to tryout." I rushed the words out of my mouth, scared of how this was going to play out.
Noah's excitement died down. " don't?"
Not liking the expression he was giving me, I looked down at my feet. "No...I don't think I want to play with them." Even with them not telling Noah about the changed tryout date, they just... "It won't be like the team we're on now, will it?"
"Well, no, but-"
"And the Coach won't be the same." I told him. "What if I can't make the team? Fielding wise, I'm really average." If that.
"But you're batting is really good!" Noah got up from his chair.
I looked up at him. "Yea, but it's just not the same." I decided it was time to bring out my trump card: his concern for my feelings. "Plus, the other freshmen don't seem to like me. If they also make this summer ball team, won't that mean I have to play with them almost every day?"
"If they dare to pick on you, then I'll fight them." Noah said defiantly.
"That's not how a team is supposed to be though. You saw how Chris was demoted, what if we get kicked off for being the reason for fights."
Noah went silent.
Seeing another opening, I spoke up again. "Plus, I want to experience summer break. In the past, I-" I swallowed audibly. "I didn't get to do a whole lot of normal summer things."
"Like what?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. Go to the beach? Swimming? Go to a baseball game. Without school, I had to spend more time at home with my mother."
"Oh, right." He came over and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we can do all that and then some more."
I smiled with relief.
After that talk, Noah lost a lot of his anger as we went on with our night. We took turns showering and then got to work on our homework. Even at dinner, he told his parents not to worry anymore and that he would settle on something else to do for the summer. They smiled and told him to take his time to look into some baseball camps.
"You too, Jake." Mrs. Atkins added. "If you think of anything you want to do or a camp to sign up for, let us know and we can talk it over."
"Okay." I replied, feeling warm on the inside. This summer would be different from all the others for sure.