Chapter 810: Entertainment
Chapter 810: Entertainment
“How many rooms would you like?” a robot spoke to Ning.
“A single one,” Ning replied. 𝑂𝒱𝗅xt.𝗇𝓔t
“Please choose the size and facilities,” the robot said as the screen showed a list of rooms with different facilities.
Ning chose one that had quite a bit of facility, but when he did, he realized that he didn’t have enough credits.
“This must be a luxurious hotel if a single room for a night costs 500 credits,” Ning said. “I’m short 300 credits. System, add 5000 credits to the account.”
“Great,” Ning said and pressed buy.
“Not enough credits,” the robot spoke and the screen flashed red. Ning’s eyes narrowed a little in confusion.
“Huh? I just put 5000. System, did you fail?” Ning asked.
“Then why does it say I failed? Did it not update?” Ning checked the screen to see how many credits he had and to his surprise, he only had about 300 credits. “Wait, I… what’s going on?”
“Woah, I thought your system can do anything. Did it actually fail?” Saphandra asked.
“No, way,” Ning said. “System?”
“What the… fuck!” Ning cried out loud. “Alright, then… how much in debt is he?”
“Yeah, I’m not paying his debt,” Ning said. “System, add my own information to the federation and give me a hundred thousand credits.”
Ning looked at the robot in front of him and said, “Rescan.”
The robot did as asked, and Ning’s updated information was shown with a full 100,000 credits available to use.
He quickly paid for it and then went to his room which lay a few floors below. Because of how the rings were set up, with the centrifugal force spinning outwards, they were able to turn the circular rings into a multilayered location for the residential areas as not much space was required for them when compared to something like the hangers where the spaceships were kept.
Ning went to his room had unlimited food and water, a very comforting bed, a massive TV to watch various things in, and a very advanced bathroom.
The room was also on the lowest floor, which meant that the panels at the bottom could be opened up to reveal a thick glass from where the outside space could be viewed.
Ning turned on the TV and let Saphandra watch it while he went to take a bath.
Saphandra sat there, watching the TV, looking at some sports that a group of people played.
Ning came out after a long shower and went to sleep while he let Saphandra watch the TV however much as she liked.
Saphandra, who had never watched anything for entertainment, watched the TV all night long.
Ning woke up the next morning and after eating his free breakfast, left to explore the rest of the residential area. He spent a week in the area, going to various places, enjoying the customs, and understanding how the society functioned in a place that was so advanced that no one had to do anything.
Turned out, that people simply didn’t work and spent their time simply entertaining themselves.
The entertainment, as it turned out was something that surprised Ning quite a lot.
The people in this station all spent most of their time exploring new worlds, new quests, and new adventures, all in a virtual world created by the federation.
They spent their days playing games in a virtual world.
“Urghh! I want to play that game!” Ning said. “It sounds so fun. But do I have the time?”
“You need a Space Stone, right? If you get that, you have nothing to worry about,” Saphandra said.
“Yeah, but where is it?” Ning asked. “System, can you tell me where they keep the Space Stones?”
The system pointed towards the hub and Ning understood where he had to go. He teleported without any warning and Saphandra teleported with him even though he hadn’t touched her.
That was simply how it was for her.
Ning arrived in an empty location, completely invisible to not just the naked eyes, but also anything that could scan him.
He didn’t want to trip any alarms, so the system worked so that nothing could sense him.
“Where now?” Ning asked.
<200 meters in that direction.>
Ning turned and saw a massive wall, beyond which he couldn’t find a way to go. “Is there no door?” Ning asked.
Since he couldn’t see any visible doors, he teleported once again. When he arrived on the other side, Ning instantly saw many humans working there.
However, since they couldn’t see him, he was fine. Ning then looked around and was shocked at what he was looking at.
There were hundreds of thousands of cylinders with Space stones in them that were being kept all around.
Ning walked around, looking at them, and realized that they were being sorted by volume. So, it was quite easy for him to find one with the biggest volume.
The biggest one he saw was quite disappointingly not very big. In terms of volume, the solid volume of the stone was around 300 cubic centimeters, which would let him alone travel around 3600 Lightyears away.
“Well, I can just use two I guess,” Ning said. He placed his hands on the cylinder and stored it in his storage space.
Only… nothing happened.
“Huh? Why isn’t it working?” Ning asked.
“What? Tsk! So I can only use it then, huh?” Ning asked. He thought for a moment about what he could do in this scenario. “Well, it’s not going anywhere, so I guess I can come back later and do it then.”