Chapter 1886: New Setup
Chapter 1886: New Setup
Twenty minutes later.
A team of more than thirty giants and all of them at the same level as Mitra are currently rushing towards the hideout that Sam just raided.
When they saw the hideout from far away, they were stunned.
Because that didn't look like a hideout that was raided, rather it looked like a reinforced prison just from the
The whole are is brimming with formations and there are a bunch of guards with weapons and inscription scrolls ready to take on anyone that comes. The cave looked unscathed.
The only problem is that the guards that are roaming around the cave are not exactly giants. They are humans. There are more than forty humans in various positions. Some moving and some standing still as they defended the hideout.
And the weapons the humans held are also looking very different. They looked like spears, but the spear head is not sharp, it had a hole on top of it.
They are all walking around and their auras are extremely deceiving. They couldn't even estimate it.
"What the fuck is this? How did our hide out become like this? This is unbelievable."
"I know. How the fuck these human bastards bypass us and deal with this hideout they had to cross our camp otherwise, they would have to travel fo miles in the forest. The forest should have snapped them if they went in that route."
"But it seems like their lineup is way too powerful right now. I have never come across this type of squad in the information we had about the humans. They are new. I think it is better if we go back and evaluate the situation before coming back."
"Maybe we can test them out? It would be better to get some info before we discuss how to deal with them."
"Alright, let's go then. Let's attack them from all sides instead of just from the front. We will get a better evaluation of them."
They discussed and agreed on it before they moved forward. They surrounded the area from different sides and launched their charge.
As soon as the giants came into the sight, all the humans holding these weird staves stopped in their tracks and turned towards the demon closest to them.
They aimed the holes in the tips of the staves towards the giants while the tail of the staff is placed on their foot.
Energy gathered at that hole in the tip and beams shot out.
*BOOM* Even though there are multiple beams being shot out, all of them gave out a single sound as their timing is way too in sync. All the hits landed on the giants at the same time. They are all of different elements.
Some are of fire, some are of ice and some are of lightning.
The Giants all came to a halt, they felt like their heart is being crushed with this massive and forceful influx of energy into their body. Each of their cells are being attacked.
The giants didn't even dare to move another step, but that doesn't mean the humans are going to just leave it at that. Another volley of attacks shot at the giants. The flesh tore open this time. They are forced to activate their true forms.
For the third volley, all the humans shot neutral energy beams of elemental energies, but this time the attacks are much more powerful than usual, in fact they are multiple times threatening than the previous attacks. Even when the giants were about to attack.
The giants collapsed on the spot. They are not dead, but they are barely alive.
For some reason, the humans didn't attack, they just left the giants like that. Out of all the giants, the leader who is the strongest is the only one could barely move and he definitely didn't have any thoughts of attacking anymore.
He looked at a few of his subordinates and spoke.
"Can anyone move?"
Very few people replied.
"We need to leave this place, we need to go and inform the main camp and bring back more reinforcements. It is absolutely disastrous to have such a force behind our backs. We need to clear them asap."
"We cannot move, but for some reason they are not attacking, we will try to move to a safe distance for now and try to survive. Captain, if you can go back, please do."
"I have a couple of pills that could help me recover a bit. It would be enough to go bac to the camp.
Try to recover as much as you can. Don't sleep on your pills. Being alive is more important."
Soon the message spread among the giants and they fell back. They didn't dare to be in the attacking range, at least they thought they are out of it.
They became defensive, used all of their defensive measures and tried to recover as much as they could.
Meanwhile the captain left the group with all his might and ran towards the main camp.
At this moment, within the cave hidden deep inside, there is a large vertical pit dug in the middle.
Deep inside that pit, Sam sat in front of Mitra.
Mitra is connected to some weird equipment with a helmet. There is a large globe in the middle of both of them. The globe looked to be made of crystal, but instead it is made of the powder of the empty spirit stones.
He is channeling his energy into that globe.
"I told you to stop. We need those giants alive."
Sam interrupted him and Mitra stopped immediately.
He opened his eyes and looked at Sam.
"Just what the hell did you do? What is this thing?"
"This is a new technique I wanted to try and it worked perfectly."
"That is not what I am asking? How is this thing even possible? Isn't it against nature?"
"Dude, if something is against nature, it wouldn't exist. Do you know the price a person has to make something that is against the nature?"
"I meanโฆ"
"I don't want to explain it to you. It will take too much of my time and energy."
Sam sighed and just gave up on explaining anything to Mitra.
The whole set up is based on the resonance and amplification.
The globe in the middle absorbs the attack a person makes. A formation is set up in the surroundings and within the formation, there are some nodal points set up. When someone attacks the globe, all the nodal points act as the resonance points.
They resonate with the attacks and amplify them before shooting them out.
As for the resonance points, the humans that are seen outside are not actually humans. They are deceptive puppets Sam made and these puppets carried the resonance points. When they used the staves like that, the circuit is completed and they are ready to shoot.
They cannot perform many feats as of now and they can only attack stationarily.
The only problem with this set up is that the formations take up too much strain of energy circulation. When the attacks are resonating and are amplified, they are way too unstable. When Sam did it manually, his mental energy acts as a decisive factor and since his will power is strong and his calculations are fast and precise, he can analyze the instability and counter it.
But the same couldn't be said when it was purely done through the formation.
The instability is too volatile. The energy in turn is very dangerous. Even when the formation is loaded up with a bunch of spectres and souls to establish the control, they are being consumed. Also even the formation itself is unable to handle the amount of energy that is being processed.
Sam wanted to add some extra mechanisms to sink the load, but if that happens he would have to divide the mental load on the souls of the formation.
Anyway, at least these problems can be resolved and even if they aren't he can just use it as a replenishable weapon. Like the souls would be the ammo required to deal with this and Dusk is killing a lot of living beings everyday.
It is not too much trouble.
But there is another problem which he has to resolve. The energy problem.
Resonance and amplification works in a very direct way. It takes the surrounding atmospheric energy to create the attacks. Of course, we can say that the nature's energy is not something Sam can just calculate, but energy in a region could be depleted pretty quickly and for the energy to return, it should absorb from the surrounding regions and even out a bit.
That process is a bit slower than the speed of attacks.
Anyway, Sam has a pretty good testing ground right now.
He went out and checked the formations, repaired the strained parts, replenished the souls. After that, he added more resonance points, more formations and more set up to attack a large group that is about to come now.