Monster Integration

Chapter 3635 Attacking The Hive

Chapter 3635 Attacking The Hive


We landed on the ground with the gentle thud, in front of the huge colorful forest.

We are still miles away from it; getting too close will increase the chances of getting discovered.

"Be prepared to fight. If something goes wrong," said Sky Sovereign Orina turning to us, before she turned to three Sky Sovereigns.

"Ready?" she asked, and they nodded.

"Let's go, then," she said and flew up again, with her is Sky Sovereign Mrinen and three Peak Sky-Sovereign cultists. Two of them are Peak Sky Sovereigns, while the other is High-Sky Sovereign.

Three Sky Sovereigns, including the Sky Sovereign Pens, are staying behind.

As they left; the rubies came out and moved toward the forest. Sky Sovereign Pens looked at them but didn't say anything.

"Everybody, take your positions," he said, and all Earth-Sovereigns flew back in the stealth.

There are still a few hours before it starts, seeing how big the hive is, but we needed to be ready, in case something goes wrong.

If something went wrong, then we Earth-Sovereigns could forget surviving. Some of the Sky Sovereigns might be able to survive, but not us Earth-Sovereigns.

Even Sky-Sovereigns won't have time to save us; seeing the terror that will come.

We didn't disturb critters moving around us. We won't until the forest begins to burn, after that, it will be an open season for both sides.

It took over half an hour for us to reach our position, and we waited. This time, I didn't go back to my core; I wanted my complete focus outside, in case any critters attacked me.

These critters are dangerous, and they would need a single kill me off; I rather not give them the chance.

An hour passed and then another; it was closing on the third hour when it happened.


The loud strange scream of the hive-queen rang out and even at the distance; it was powerful enough to shake me.

It had just shaken me, but others have started to bleed from their orifices. Though not a single person is focused on that; each and every one of them is looking at the forest, which is burning like an inferno.

The flame is dark blue, like hellfire, and even at a distance, it emits heat powerful enough that it would burn the skin of Sky Sovereigns if they removed their armor.


It didn't take even a second for the hive queen to appear and my god; she was massive.

It is four times as big as the rest of the hive queens and its body glitter like a diamond, making it look like a work of art.

However, one would forget that the moment they saw the look in its eyes. It is pure chaos, though there is intelligence in it.

It is also powerful.

So much that even from the distance, my heart shuddered feeling its power. The other hive queens were no match for it; it could have had them for dinner.


The massive hive-queen attacked without hesitation but stopped mid-way and moved her limbs, defensively to stop the attack from the tiny Sky Sovereign Orina.

She might be tiny compared to the hive-queen, but seemed no less powerful.

It launched another attack but was forced to defend like the last time, but the hive queen was no slouch; it kept attacking.

It is not attacking like an angry monster, but an intelligent strategist. It is clear as the day when one looks at its combat style.

Trrr Tree Trrr

The critters around us went mad, but nobody moved to fight them. All our focus is on the fight and inferno burning below.


We were watching when I saw the group of five Earth-Sovereign critters coming at me. They are not coming in my direction, but coming at me, specifically.

I looked around and saw the critters were moving toward the others as well.

It confused me for a moment, seeing we were hiding in the stealth. They shouldn't have been able to discover us; they hadn't discovered us before and now they are coming at us like they can see us.

The answer presented itself, the queen.

The queen had seen us and was now directing the critters toward us. Though not toward us all, I noticed they were not moving toward Sky Sovereign Pence.

The queen didn't seem to have discovered him like she did with others.

'May be, I should have used the full power of the stealth,' I thought, but shook my head.

It might be idiotic, but I wanted to be found out. So, I could fight; they are the ones who could provide me with the growth energy, and I need growth energy.

In the past few days, I have planted the seeds in every inch of my core, and I want to grow and harvest the resources and then plan other resources and harvest them.

I have a limited space and a lot of seeds. It is the only viable strategy I could do to harvest the resources; I need.

Trrrr Trrrr Trrrr!

Burst 75%!

Since I had entered the realm, I had not used such power, but now, I have to. there are a lot of critters coming at me; the five are, just the closest.

Not to mention, the ones that are attacking the others.


I took out a small bottle of black solution and gulped it whole before moving toward the critter.

The black solution is just a precaution against the attacks, that might hit me. I don't want my body to be seeded with eggs; that would be a horrific way to do it.


With the preparations done; I moved and appeared at the back of the Initial-Mid Sovereign critter, pierced my blade into its cylindrical head and pushed a load of energy inside.

It crushed all its defenses with its skin, splitting on every side. It is a side effect, but a manageable one. Th1s chapter is updated by n)ovel/\bin/\

Its defenses crushed, I pulled it inside my core and appeared in front of another critter.

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