Chapter 167 - 167. Feeling The Heat
Not a single member of the party was late to rise in the morning. Every single one had been spurred to action by their daily quests the previous day.This may not have been in their plans but was most certainly not a setback. Instead it should prove to be beneficial, having greater attack power could speed up their three planned quests on their way.
Gearing up and putting out their fire, everyone was in their formation and heading toward the last known location of their first targets, the five snow imps causing trouble for merchant groups.The plotted travel path intersected with multiple mercantile routes. These routes were often well up-kept meaning they were easy to traverse, that went for merchants and Monsters.
Elise was hesitant to expose Avela to so much battle so early and had made the decision to keep her in the beast ring. This idea was supported by every member of the group, not a single one of them wished to see the new fluff ball come to harm. This was naturally a rough lesson for little Avela, however she took it in stride, soon accepting the temporary arrangements. Stella had taken some time to coax her along but this was part of her job seeing that Avela had imprinted on her. The adorable scene had started everyone's day off on a bright note, truly setting the mood.
Gil was sent out ahead of the group to scout out the mercantile routes, his goal to identify where the group of snow imps had recently traveled so that they could cut them off. Since these snow imps had been ambushing merchants there was worry they would try to do the same to the party, but with Gil scouting them out the imps wouldn't expect their ambush to be turned on them.
Gil stayed lower to the ground as he headed forward to keep his head from rising above the dried out grass. His footsteps silent he went completely unnoticed. Without the others constricting his pace Gil easily made it to some of the first routes. Well maintained with almost no outlying tracks he came up empty, no signs of snow imps. Instead of following the route like merchants would Gil made the decision to travel parallel. This would give him a new viewpoint of what the imps may see while they attempt an ambush. Following this Theory he traveled parallel to the route for some moments still finding nothing out of the ordinary, this was until he had turned around to report back to Walker. His foot was just about to step directly on to a strange looking scuff mark in the snow.
Kneeling down he could identify the unmistakable shape if a snow imps foot, it seemed the tracks were heading farther parallel down the route. Following them a little ways he soon saw a strange cleaning. For some reason the route had been poorly widened just large enough for a small group to stop and rest. Snow and grass had been piled on to one side obviously from the learning of the small area. Seeing that there weren't any other fresh tracks heading toward the clearing on the main route Gil knew it was all too suspicious. Taking this chance to retreat Gil returned to the group with haste.
Upon his arrival the group stopped for a short rest, "Walker, I was able to find some tracks. Following them I came in to view of a very poorly made clearing. The route had no fresh tracks so it obviously was not made by merchants. Also the snow and grass from that clearing were all piled in the same spot, I suspect that is the trap laid out by the snow imps."
Elise furrowed her eyebrows, " Are you saying the imps cleared the area to bait and ambush merchants? That doesn't seem right." She couldn't believe snow imps were smart enough to set such a trap.
" The definitely don't seem too smart I know, but how many times do you think they saw merchants do just that then settle down to rest for the night? The snow imps constantly saw easy prey setting itself up on a golden platter." Even the wildest beasts could learn hunting strategy, this was just slightly better strategy.
Elise started to see what Walker was saying and decided to believe Gil's theory, worst case the run in to a lack of enemies. "Then what is your plan, do we get to do the ambushing." Raising her fist punching the air Elise showed off a habit she had picked up from Remey.
"Yea ambush!" and Remey was punching the air tooβ¦
Shaking his head and pulling the other towards him Walker started their planning.
Walker, Su, Laurence, Elise, and Riley walked down the route towards the clearing.They all took in the view of the roughly made clearing. It looked like an animal had rolled around tearing up the grass and throwing it in to a pile with dirt and snow it could grab. Ir was most certainly as Gil had said, not made by merchant hands.
Once at the learning Su positioned herself so that she would easily be able to defend any attacks coming from the pile of grass and snow. Walker was by her side equally prepared for any attacks. The others feigned preparing camp to rest. Stretching his arms with his staff in hand Walker pointed toward the pile. This was his signal.
Gil had led Remey, Midnight, Onyx, and Stella to the side of the pile ready to perform a pincer attack against the Snow imps believed to be waiting inside. Once they were all ready Stella took off out of the tall grass flying up to gain an aerial view. Her disturbance had shocked the snow imps inside the pile causing them to move slightly showing the groups exactly where they were hiding within. "There they are, let's move!" Walker shouted his order and with it came his new fire bolt spell.
The fire bolt tore through the air encountering the pile, pieces of snow and ice were thrown about. Grass fell around them burning from Walker's attack. The snow imps screamed in anger as they felt the hot sparks on their skin, they burst forward after Walker. "Come at me you weak toads!" Su taunted them controlling their motion towards her instead. The three snow imps farthest from Su started to throw ice needles towards them. Walker had been prepared for this, he immediately created his crimson cloak skill. The flowing crimson flames that created the cloak sizzled as the needles came in to contact. They melted almost instantly, not a single one making it to Su's shield let alone touching Walker.
The snow imps were completely focused on Walker's group which was now fully mobilized for battle. Stella had started her speedy descent closing in on the snow imp farthest from Su. Swooping down her talons locked around her target quickly dragging it in to the sky. The party had seen her do this before and did not desire to see the results yet again.
Gil's side of the pincer had moved forward, Midnight did not utilize her normal sneaky strategy but instead rushed forwards to pounce and claim her own prey. The third snow imp that was previously letting loose ice needles tried to free its brethren from Midnight but was met by an angry Onyx. Onyx had used his tattoo skill to hide on Midnight back, but seeing the enemy approach he revealed himself using his bind skill to stop the imp in its tracks. The Snow imp couldn't even scratch.
Walker and Su were about to focus on the remaining two snow imps when they suddenly collapsed just a few steps in front of them. Two arrows were lodged in their backs. The imps still twitched on the ground making Walker and Su take steps back, but before they could move in to finish it, two more arrows pierced the imps at the same time. Walker had seen Gil fire two arrows at once. He has mastered double shot.
Walker and Su had completely become the distraction not even having the chance to join the fight. Walker had planned for them to join in and defeat the five with teamwork but obviously they were all powerful enough to optimize the distracted state of the snow imps. The result was a complete shutout for their enemy.
Coming up a bit hesitant Laurence got Walker's attention, " so not exactly to plan but I think Gil stealing the show with his fancy arrows was pretty neat. Although I don't think we should tell him that. Right fire boy?" Laurence laughed a bit at his joke as he headed to check on Stella with Elise.
Walker would definitely be rethinking his strategy when it came to larger battles, the fact that Gil could now take down two targets or at least disable two was excellent. Instead of unsteady at this realization he was instead finding himself excited, the party had more options now.