Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 90: Sent Right To My Doorstep

Chapter 90: Sent Right To My Doorstep

Translator: Pika

Despite it all, Zu An was still determined to learn the Thirteen Forms of Elementary Swordplay properly. After all, his survival was at stake. If he could pick up a powerful combat skill, he would have yet another means to deal with his enemies.

He earnestly listened to Bai Susu as he broke down every single form. Wei Suo tried several times to engage him in conversation, but his concentration never wavered. This frustrated Wei Suo. Bro, you’re in the wrong class. We of the Yellow class don't focus on cultivation.

After class, Zu An went through everything he had learned earlier when a staff member suddenly called out, “Zu... Teacher Zu, your residence is ready. Would you like to head over to take a look?”

It was inevitable that the staff member felt awkward addressing Zu An as a teacher. It was just moments ago that he was still a student. Who knew he would climb up the ladder so quickly?

“It’s you? What a coincidence!” remarked Zu An. It was the same staff member who had led him to the Principal’s Office when he first arrived at the academy.

“It sure is,” replied the staff member with a polite smile. “Come, I’ll familiarize you with the area.”

“Sure!” Zu An nodded. It was the afternoon break anyway, and there was plenty of time for him to take a look before the afternoon classes began.

“How do I address you?” Zu An asked. It was their second time meeting, so it would be good if they could at least acquaint themselves with one another.

“I am Zhu Gan. I’m in charge of the logistics affairs of the academy,” replied the staff.

“Zhu Gan? You have quite an imposing name. To live a carefree life and screw with anyone who stands in your way,” remarked Zu An.

The staff member’s face darkened. Clearly, this was not the first time someone had misunderstood his name. He quickly clarified, “No, it’s not that Gan (干). It’s the Gan (淦) with three droplets and the ‘Gold (金)’ character.”[1]

An awkward cloud descended. Zu An tried to laugh it off. “That sounds equally great too. Haha, hahaha~”

Zhu Gan looked less than impressed by his attempt. Seriously, I don’t sense any sincerity in your compliment.

It didn’t take long for the two of them to reach a tranquil area dotted with villas—a ‘villa park’, thought Zu An, for lack of a better term. It was near a serene-looking forest, but the colorful grass along the road was trimmed neatly. Every now and then, an independent villa was vaguely visible amidst the trees. It bore a striking resemblance to the high-class residential areas he had seen on TV in his previous life.

They stopped in front of one of these villas. “Teacher Zu, this is your residence. This token over here is the key, and your information is already imprinted on it. The formation around the residence will automatically identify you,” said Zhu Gan as he passed a translucent jade token to Zu An.

Zu An examined the token, and he marveled at its appearance. It looked like something that had come out of a fantasy movie. It was way more classy than the hotel keys he had seen in his previous life. “Can I use this to enter the other residences?”

His question left Zhu Gan speechless. Are you an idiot? Even a person thinking with his bum will be able to tell you that it’s impossible.

However, knowing how Zu An had an overwhelming tendency to get into trouble, he decided to warn him just in case. “Of course not. If the formation senses that someone is trying to trespass on the residence, it will automatically attack the trespasser. You shouldn’t mess around with the residences of the other teachers.”

“Oh~” Zu An was a little disappointed. “Then, where’s Teacher Shang Liuyu’s residence? Is it neighboring mine?”

“Dream on!” Zhu Gan finally couldn’t stand it anymore. Shang Liuyu was the dream lover of many male teachers in the academy, and he was naturally one of them. “Teacher Shang’s residence is located in another area. You won’t find it here.”

Zu An was truly amazed by just how needlessly rich academies in this world were. To think that every teacher would be allocated their own independent residence! The dormitories in my previous world are so much better. Everyone living harmoniously in the same cluster of buildings. Who knows? A babe might just live next door!

Zhu Gan relayed some additional information then quickly took his leave. He was afraid that he would cave in to his desires and end up giving Zu An a good pummeling. He simply couldn’t stand how smug that rascal was acting.

Zu An began to explore his own residence. It was similar to a courtyard house—not too big, but sufficient. The furnishings were not particularly elegant, but most of the necessities were provided. Overall, it was pretty amazing for free lodging.

It looks like teachers in this world are treated really well. I guess I don’t have to waste my money on buying a residence in the city. Hmph, if the Chu clan angers me again, I’ll... I’ll run here to seek refuge!

I wonder if the academy allows me to hire and bring in some beautiful maids...

All of a sudden, he heard a gentle voice coming from the entrance of his residence. “Teacher Zu, are you inside?”

Zu An was surprised. Was my desire so great that the world felt compelled to send a beautiful maid my way? Or does the academy actually assign a beautiful maid to every teacher? This voice sounds a little familiar though...

He rushed to the doorway and saw a traditional-looking beauty standing by the doorway. She looked at him with a pair of tender almond-shaped eyes.

Zu An blinked his eyes. “You are... Zheng Dan?”

Is my luck with romance that strong? To actually be called ‘teacher’ by a beautiful woman like her... Ahhh, it really feels good!

I should have gotten others from the academy over to take a good look. Let them see how this young lady willingly calls me ‘Teacher’ with that sweet voice of hers. Watch and learn, all right?

The beautiful woman smiled sweetly as she replied, “Teacher Zu sure has an amazing memory. I didn’t think that you would still remember me.”

Zu An kept his incredulous snort to himself. I just saw you this morning. I’d have to be senile to actually forget you this quickly.

“May I know what business Miss Zheng has with me?” Zu An remembered the warning that Chu Huanzhao gave him earlier that morning, so he didn’t let the woman’s beauty get the better of him.

“I was in too much of a rush earlier this morning, so I wasn’t able to properly thank you for saving my life.” Zheng Dan raised her hands and shook the lunch box that she held. “It happens to be lunchtime, and I had a feeling that you haven’t had your meal yet. So, I personally cooked a few dishes and brought them over. I hope that you can enjoy them.”

“You cooked them personally?” Zu An frowned with a weird look on his face. “Miss Zheng, didn’t you attend the classes this morning?”

Are you insulting my intelligence? I saw you at the entrance just this morning. When did you have the chance to return home to cook?

Zheng Dan was an astute woman, and was able to swiftly guess what he was thinking. She explained calmly, “My family has prepared a residence for me in the academy too. I prepared the food there.”

“Hm? Students can own a residence in the academy too?”

Zheng Dan covered her mouth and laughed lightly. “Most people won’t be able to, but our Zheng clan has quite a bit of influence in Brightmoon City. So, we were granted some leeway.”

The truth dawned on Zu An. It was likely that most of the notable young masters and young misses, Zheng Dan included, had their own residences in the academy.

Pui! I thought that the academy was a sacred place for learning! It seems that its purity has been marred by greed too!

“Teacher Zu, may we continue the conversation in your residence? If anyone passing by were to see this, it might lead to some negative rumors.” Zheng Dan looked at Zu An with eyes pitiful enough to melt the hearts of all men.

As a mortal man, Zu An was no exception. He stood aside to let her in, and commented in a teasing voice, “Are you worried that your reputation will be sullied if news of this got to Commander Sang?”

Zheng Dan sighed gently. “It seems like Teacher Zu knows about my engagement. Hai, there’s nothing I can do. In large clans like ours, we don’t have the freedom to decide who our partners will be.”

Zu An was impressed with Zheng Dan’s way with words. She was able to express her helplessness in being forced into marriage without making a negative remark about Sang Hong. It looked as if she was making a point, but in truth, she hadn’t said much at all.

Even if others were to hear about it, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Let’s not talk about such things. I’m here today to thank you for your help.” Zheng Dan blinked her large, gleaming eyes at Zu An. She looked even more ravishing up close.

Even with all of the beauties around him, Zu An had to admit that the woman standing before him was incredibly good-looking. No wonder she was in the Top Ten of the Sweetheart Ranking.

Zheng Dan took out some plates packed inside a wooden box and began laying them on the table. Her movements were precise and incredibly elegant. Zu An was reminded of the spirited Jiangnan women dressed in qipaos he had seen on TV in his previous life.

Soon, the table was filled with plates of side dishes, and every single one of them looked appetizing. It was going to be a delightful feast.

Zheng Dan was particularly proud of this. Her skill set wasn’t just limited to brewing tea; in fact, her specialty lay in cooking. She was proud of her culinary skill, though she hardly had any time to cook. It was her interest in it that compelled her to continue squeezing out time for this hobby. Not even Sang Qian had had the opportunity to enjoy her cooking yet.

She waited quietly for Zu An to praise her cooking so that she could respond with words of humility. She had already scripted out the entire scenario in her head. Having played the persona of a perfect young miss from an illustrious clan for so many years, it was almost second nature to her.

“Oh, your lunchbox actually retains heat!” Zu An exclaimed as he picked up the wooden box to examine it more closely.

Zheng Dan nearly choked on her saliva. She couldn’t understand just what Zu An was up to, talking about such meaningless things. Nevertheless, she responded with a slight smile, “The wooden box is inscribed with a formation that retains warmth. It isn’t anything special.”

Zu An nodded. “I see.”

He reminded himself never to underestimate this world. While it lagged behind in terms of technological development, they were still able to achieve many things through the use of formations, be it the runes on Chu Chuyan’s carriage that acted like a car’s suspension system, or the ki-isolation runes on the dice shakers. He remembered the Chu clan mentioning something about inscribing runes on weapons as well. This was one area in which he sorely needed to brush up on his knowledge.

Zheng Dan, meanwhile, had caught on to what was going on.

Just a month ago, this fellow was still a delinquent idling his life away. It’s only after becoming the drafted son-in-law of the Chu clan that he came into contact with all of these things that we who come from affluent clans think of as common. It’s inevitable that he’s still quite ignorant about them. Well, a canary can’t evolve into a phoenix just because it has flown to a higher branch.

Despite being filled with scorn for Zu An, her smile remained impeccable. “Teacher Zu, please have a seat. The food won’t taste as nice once it has cooled down. Here, I’ll pour you a cup of wine.”

“A cup of wine?” Glancing at Zheng Dan’s fair wrists peeking out from her sleeves as she poured out a cup of wine, Zu An remarked profoundly, “Haven’t you heard that alcohol tends to erode one’s rationality?”

1. Zu An misinterpreted the Gan to be (干), which can mean 'screwing someone', and has a “Just Do It” kind of attitude. However, it's actually this Gan (淦), which he explains by breaking down the character into its constituent parts—the three water droplets on the left and the character for 'Gold' on the right.


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