Chapter 111 There Can Only Be One Realm Lord.
Mihila began to decelerate when they approached the training academy. The Ghastorix Main Academy is a behemoth plated structure 10km by 10km. It is also 1km tall. The building looks like a giant obsidian box placed on the ground. It is a completely sealed building without windows or doors. The only points of entry are the portal points in front of the academy. There are three portals that lead to the three different sections of the academy. Each one is housed within an external administrative building that screens those who get access to the academy or not.
The internal dimensions of the Academy are larger than what it looks like from the outside. The sealing of the building enables it to be enchanted with spatial runes that expand its inner space. It is completely self-reliant with its own energy source and internal ecosystem. It operates non-stop and can withstand damages up to the level of Sovereigns. It is a work of art created by Hadrick to be impenetrable by anything within the safe limits of the plane.
Soverick couldn’t help but admit that it was glorious. High elves don’t like buildings that disrupt the forest so something like this couldn’t be seen in their home plane. They preferred elaborate but natural structures that blend with the forest.
The battle academy on the other hand looks like a giant fortress. Soverick couldn’t help but suspect if something of incredible value is kept within it. Either that or Hadrick didn’t have much to do so he went all out on its features.
Hadrick had spoken at length about the academy and its features to Soverick. But seeing it in person made him experience a sense of presence in the vicinity of the battle academy. It felt like space is impregnated with something around the battle academy.
‘I have to give it to Hadrick on this one.’ Soverick thought in admiration. Hadrick may be a coward but he is also a magnificent creator.
In this time and age, due to the convenience of refinement, information and knowledge acquisition have become very easy. As long as someone has awakened their soul, they can engage in mind communication with their divine sense. The divine sense is like a superior extra sensory organ. It is superior to touch, hearing, and sight sense organs. Only the tongue remains relevant with its sense of taste. But the tongue will lose its priority as a tool for communication. Only later will it lose its priority for taste when the divine sense becomes more developed.
Communication with the divine sense is superior in that it allows for the instant exchange of memories, emotions, and thoughts without the restriction of language. Mind communication is the communication of souls and uses soul language which is a universal language.
The presence of mind stones and memory storage devices allowed for the extra significance of divine sense through data collection and record keeping. Such devices allow for the easy transfer of knowledge from one person to the other in a matter of seconds. So institutes for knowledge acquisition have become obsolete. Only institutes meant for physical and practical training still exist nowadays such as forging, enchanting, and alchemist academies.
Battle academies are also an example of such institutions. In a world where strength is a major factor in determining social hierarchy, battle academies are a must. A large investment in the training of the offspring of the family will ensure that they do well in the tower of heaven. Because only then can more Origin gods be created.
There are three segments of battle training that cater to the weakest at the stage of body forging up to the strongest at the stage of an ascendant.
The first stage or the primary battle training is for those without awakened royal bloodlines. They don’t have the bloodline advantage that is necessary to push them to the stage of vitality core. So they undergo body forging training and are provided with special food that will accelerate their training.
The second stage or secondary battle training teaches special skills and the training of special battle techniques. The proper utilization of their strength is the focus of this stage. The strength that was acquired in the previous stage will be extracted from the body until it reaches its limit. Such training has been determined to increase the likelihood of cell adaptation to mana. Soverick and his siblings will start with this stage. They may not need cell adaptation but they need the techniques for proper strength utilization.
The last stage is for those that have succeeded in acquiring their mana bodies. They will be taught advanced techniques that are precursors to the innate abilities of transcendents. This will help to break the limit of their bodies and soul.
Some academies focus on only one or two stages instead of the whole three but the Ghastorix can afford to provide training up to the level of transcendents for their bloodline offsprings.
Special talents are also groomed in the battle academy to enrich the genetic pool of the family. People without bloodlines that have caught the attention of someone in the family are brought here from other cities for training.
Tuition for the battle academy is free, it is a tradition that started when the academy was just open to only those with the Ghastorix bloodline. Everyone was family, there was no need to talk about money with family. Now that the family has become even bigger there’s nothing the family needs from a child apart from growth.
The tuition may be free but acceptance is heavily controlled. Children of the family with awakened bloodlines have automatic access. Then the children with parents that have privileges due to their position in the family come next. Followed by those with special talents such as high elemental affinities. They will submit an application that will only be accepted if the admission committee agrees after a rigorous assessment.
Two tall Steeles stand in front of the administrative buildings. One of them contains engravings of the names of noteworthy alumni, their achievements, and the records they broke in the academy. The other one is the battle record of members of the Ghastorix family and their contributions to the entire plane. It contains the names of notable individuals with their achievements and famous battles. Thistle is the taller of the two. If the first one is a stele for kids, then this one is for adults. But it is not surprising to see a single name appear on both Steeles multiple times.
They stopped to admire the Steeles on their way to the academy.
“Someday my name will be written on them.” Ghaster proclaimed.
Litori snorted while Kayla only shook her head.
“Anything is possible. All you need is hard work, talent, and Providence. There’s nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it.” Mihila patted Ghaster’s head and assured him.
Soverick wanted to ask her why she gave up on advancing but he was in too good a mood to rain on her parade. It is her job as a parent to encourage their kids to aspire to greatness even if she had failed. Soverick wasn’t too overly impressed with the records because even the things he had achieved in his past life could qualify him for multiple mentions on the Stele. He had a much greater height to look forward to.
“Can we do the same things that the realm lord did if we put in enough effort and hard work?” Litori asked and Soverick couldn’t help but smile.
Mihila was stumped by the question but she recovered easily. “You won’t know if you have what it takes until you put in the effort. So yes, it is possible to achieve the things the realm lord did.”
It was Ghaster’s turn to question her. “Are you saying no one had the potential of the realm lord or no one was hardworking?”
Soverick couldn’t help but add. “That’s a good question Ghaster. I have been wondering about that myself. Could the realm lord be different from us? Is he special? If yes, what’s special about him?”
Everyone turned to Mihila for her answer. She glared at Soverick and said, “Go to the academy and ask your teachers. Let’s go there now.”
Soverick’s good mood soared. But he allowed Mihila to save herself. Parents can’t tell lies and easily get away with it nowadays. Even if the lies are told with good intentions, children are not so naive and stupid as to believe everything that comes out of their parent’s mouths. Parents are not always right and kids know that. They also have enough memories to question their parents.
No parent can tell their kid that they can aspire to reach the level of the realm lord. It is easier for a child to believe he or she can become a world god than to believe they can become the realm lord. No one can become a realm lord in the realm of high heaven anymore. It is a unique eternal position meant for a single person.