Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1341 - Descent Into The Abyss...

Chapter 1341 - Descent Into The Abyss...

With every second in the [Time-Dampening Orb] equating fourteen seconds within the projection, Vahn's short moment of introspection actually translated to several minutes outside. By the time he emerged from the orb, Ilya had already emerged from the incubation chamber. She was inspecting the changes in her body, bringing a smile to Vahn's face since she seemed to be weighing her own breasts with an incredulous look on her face...

Sensing Vahn's movement, Illya snapped her head in his direction, her violet eye staring back at him in a somewhat eerie manner. Then, realizing he was watching her, Illya quickly hid her hands behind her back, a heavy flush on her face as she murmured, "I...I wasn't doing anything..."

Hearing her words, Vahn was tempted to laugh but, knowing it wouldn't end well for him, he elected to just nod his head. In the next moment, his body flickered, creating an after-image that released a small pop as it vanished. Despite this burst of speed, Illya's eyes were able to follow his movements with considerable ease, a testament to the fact that her fusion with Cath Palug had greatly elevated, far exceeding even super-human levels.

Since she could easily follow his movements, Illya wasn't surprised by Vahn appearing next to her in what seemed like an instant. Instead, her tail flickered in a manner similar to a frustrated squirrel as she scrunched up her naked body, a futile attempt to conceal it from view. When Vahn reached out to pull her up, however, she offered no resistance, allowing him to lift her into a princess carry in one swift motion.

Though she was pressing for this exact development, Illya's heart felt like it was fighting to free itself from her chest. She did her best to entice and seduce Vahn but, at the very core of her character, she was an incredible bashful, albeit somewhat perverted, girl. Now that things had reached this point, it felt like all the blood in her body was rushing to her head while, in the back of her mind, Cath Palug was excitedly shouting, 'Go, go, let's go~!'.

Fortunately, while she was overwhelmed by her emotions, to the point that a small trickled of blood had emerged from her left nostril, Vahn was carrying Illya to a place where they could have a higher degree of privacy. He suspected she would be able to create a private Realm for them, as this was an inherent quality of Tier 5 beings, but Illya herself wasn't in the proper state of mind for such things. It would take her a while to adapt to her new body, much less the incomprehensible granted to her as a Tier 5 entity...

After a brief scan of the entire Ivory Castle, Vahn ultimately decided upon Illya's former room as his final destination. They had a lot of shared memories there and, though Illya would be moving into the Menagerie in the near future, that didn't mean her former room would go to another. Rather, it would be a sanctuary she could retreat to whenever she didn't want to be around others. One where only he, her mother, and a select few others, each chosen by Illya, could enter...


Immediately after their teleportation, Illya's eyes peeled open to take in the familiar surroundings of her own room. Knowing this was where she would experience her first time didn't calm her heart in the slightest. Her past memories came flooding forward, intimate moments with Vahn, heartwarming moments with her mother, and a few devious memories that could never be spoken out loud...

Before Illya could offer any input on his choice of venue, Vahn surprised her by nibbling on the point of her fluffy white ear. Though common sense told him to avoid any kind of biting whatsoever, past experiences told him there was no sense in avoiding the inevitable. Illya's body was already reacting properly but she still needed a small push to get in the proper state of mind. Currently, she was in a borderline catatonic state as a result of her own thoughts so, in order to ground her to reality, Vahn seized the initiative.

Having her ear suddenly bitten caused Illya's body to writhe about, completely against her will. At the same time, she felt a 'painful' heat spread through her body, clouding her thoughts and making her abdomen ache. She began to breathe heavily, the violet hue of her eyes becoming progressively more pronounced as excitement bubbled up within her like a cauldron about to boil over...

Just as something began to surge up within her body, Illya was slightly disoriented by the fact that Vahn suddenly placed her down on the bed. By the time a tiny fragment of clarity returned to her mind, she found herself laying with her face against the bed, her rear-end propped up by her knees.

Though Illya's tail didn't actually have any bones in it whatsoever, the way it curved led Vahn to the conclusion it wouldn't be comfortable to lay on. He knew from experience how sensitive her tail was so, with Illya seemingly having already lost herself to pleasure, he opted to rely on the position most effective for girls with tails. This happened to be one of his preferred positions so, with Illya's plump posterior, accented by how her exposed skin formed the shape of a heart, Vahn had what could only be described as a silly smile on his face...

If she were to voice her opinion, Illya found her current position to be extremely embarrassing. In fact, she wished she could bury her face in the blankets completely but, not wanting to risk having Vahn change his mind, she actually began to waggle her butt in his direction.

There was obviously no way that Vahn was going to back out after coming this far but, seeing the adorable antics of the fluffy-haired girl, he couldn't help but want to pamper her. With this in mind, Vahn sank the fingers of his left hand into Illya's left cheek before using his thumb to separate her already pulsating vulva. If he didn't know it would cause her to have a minor breakdown, Vahn would have commented on the pretty pink color and how eager she seemed to be...

This wasn't really an exaggeration either as, unlike a normal girl, Illya's insides almost seemed 'alive' with their peculiar pulsation. Even the color was abnormal as the pink was almost luminescent as it seemed to 'demand' his attention.

Never one to disappoint his women, Vahn settled in for the long haul by taking a seat behind Illya. She seemed confused by his actions at first but, when he suddenly grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to his face, the only thing going through her mind was a series of expletives and the jubilant shouts of Cath Palug. They were one and the same in this form so, despite Illya being the main pilot of the body, it experienced everything she was experiencing in real-time...

To Vahn's surprise, the somewhat swollen lips of Illya's vulva actually clung around him as his tongue sank deep into her insides. This created a small suction force and, in response to the movements of his tongue, her depths seemed to greet him rather excitedly. It was a peculiar occurrence but, more so than the tensile sensations, Vahn was overwhelmed by the flavor and aroma invading his olfactory senses and taste buds.

Though he would never vocalize this to the fused duo, Illya had a very 'animalistic' aroma. It couldn't really be described as pleasant but, despite this, it filled up his head and caused his body to feel like it was on fire. It actually reminded him of how Nanu had marked him in the past but, compared to the rather 'tame' pheromones emitted by the mischievous Chienthrope, Illya's seems to have some degree of sapience as they worked tirelessly to invade his body...

Remembering how Cath Palug created a mist that was able to break down humans and destroy the entire world, Vahn wasn't all that surprised by the pheromone attack. He actually let it affect him a little bit as, a stark contrast to the somewhat pungent aroma, Illya's flavor was like warm honeydew that had been mixed together with a thin syrup. The volume was a little nonsensical, as it was almost like drinking directly from a tap, but his ability to convert the liquid into excess energy ensured that his stomach was never strained...

As tempting as it was to just savor the moment indefinitely, Vahn ultimately pulled his mouth free after Illya's body experienced its third intense spasm. What he didn't expect was for her vulva to try and cling to him while her insides, causing Vahn's brows to rise slightly, actually had thin red tendrils that chased after his tongue. Though they returned to normal almost instantly, it was pretty obvious that Illya inherited Cath Palug's ability to shape and manipulate its body...

While some may be put off by the peculiar sight, Vahn wasn't even remotely deterred. He would, at times, literally turn into a black blob in order to get an edge against foes so Illya's ability to shape her flesh didn't phase him in the slightest. Rather, he was somewhat interested to experience what would happen when they actually started having sex since it was pretty obvious that her insides were far more inviting than a normal person's...

Tempted as he was to simply proceed to the next step, Vahn wasn't going to force Illya to stay face down during her first time. This was an important moment to them both so, while she didn't seem to mind it, he knew she would appreciate the memory more if they were face-to-face. Thus, after lightly squeezing her rump, Vahn moved Illya onto her side before pulling her to sit in his lap. This brought their faces close enough that their noses were touching but, as if her brain had melted, Illya's head was cocked slightly as her eyes lazily moved around in their sockets.

Seeing her absentminded state, Vahn realized that he had underestimated Cath Palug's influence a bit. It wasn't a creature that experienced things like arousal in a natural way as, from the moment of its creation, Cath Palug had never required such biological functions. Now, it was overwhelming both it's and Illya's mind with a flood of chemicals, focused entirely on pleasure. This had forced her into a state similar to a drug overdose but, as a Tier 5 entity, there was no danger of permanant harm.

Realizing that sex with Illya was going to be a very experimental affair, Vahn gently caressed both sides of her face, his [Hands of Nirvana] slowly bringing her back from the brink. It was unfortunate that he couldn't really 'see' her body properly as this kind of development could have been easily avoided. Now, he would have to 'teach' Cath Palug how to properly enjoy having sex or Illya's Ego might become corrupted by the overwhelming flood of pleasure...

Fortunately, Illya returned to her senses pretty quickly as, upon realizing Vahn's intentions, Cath Palug basically activated her resistances and regeneration. She actually came down from her high with such force that she headbutted his nose after jerking her head forward, her lungs straining for air as she took several gasping breaths. During this time, Vahn embraced Illya in his arms, patiently waiting for her to collect herself and remember what they were doing...

With her head down, Illya could see both Vahn's naked body and her own straddling his hips. This caused her eyes to widen like saucers as memories of the last couple of minutes came pouring back like a flood. She couldn't help but bite her bottom lip in embarrassment, internally shouting a Cath Palug for making her turn into an idiot. As for Cath Palug, it just lazily rolled around in the back of Illya's mind, exclaiming, "I want mooooore~! Stop messing around, Illya. Vahn is waiting for us!"

Even without Cath Palug's reminder, Illya could see the proof of Vahn's patience. In fact, she could feel it pressing against her, its heat both comfortable yet mind-numbingly hot. As a result, her body began to 'inflate' instinctually, a natural reaction as she couldn't rationalize something like that being able to fit in her body. She may have grown a lot compared to her past self, but Vahn was known for putting even Goddess of Sex through the wringer...

Before she realized it, Illya had expanded to the point she was nearly two meters in height. This was a uniform expansion, however, so she actually looked like a giantess while Vahn was just sitting in place with a slightly incredulous smile on his face. He already knew that Illya could adjust her size, as this was also one of Cath Palug's abilities, but he hadn't expected her to suddenly become a giant after staring at his penis for a few seconds. This would, obviously, make it a lot easier for her but it was still a...curious development...

Illya hadn't even realized her body was growing until she was suddenly staring down at Vahn's face. She saw the 'amused' smile on his face, her own turning scarlet as she forcibly tried to shrink down to normal size. Before she managed this, however, Vahn sunk his fingers into her butt and said, "It is better to start like this. You can change your size to what is most comfortable after we begin...come, relax your body and leave it to me..."

Without waiting for Illya's response, Vahn moved her hips in a practiced manner, his dragon eager to conquer new territory. This was made a lot easier by the fact that Illya's body had basically rolled out the red carpet for him, inviting him inside without any resistance. Rather, the exact opposite was true as her body seemed to conform around his member, forcibly pulling him deeper inside. There wasn't even anything like a hymen present but, after his earlier exploration, Vahn wasn't surprised. Illya was undoubtedly a virgin but, even before her first death, her womb, along with her other organs, had all been replaced by magical transplants. This was part of the process to convert her entire body into a giant magic circuit, making it capable of housing the Holy Grail with greater ease...

Now, with the traits she had inherited from Cath Palug, Illya's insides were a lot more honest than she was. As for Vahn, he actually had to rest his face in between her developing breasts, his mind a little overwhelmed by the sensations coming from his lower body. It was an indescribable amount of pleasure comparable to Freya going all-out during their melding. Vahn even felt like his member had been transported to a completely different plane of existence, one filled with entities that existed for the sole purpose of transmitting and receiving pleasure. There was even 'something' attached to the tip of his glans, eagerly sucking the fluids flowing from the tip with even greater fervor than Alaya on a bad day...

Vahn wasn't the only one experiencing transcendental pleasure, either, as Illya's body had been in a constant spasm from the moment she settled into his lap. Her body had actually shrunk down to its normal size once again but, rather than pain, it felt like her entire existence had been replaced by an overwhelming amount of pleasure. Without Vahn to cling onto, she had the distinct impression that her mind would have broken as, in the deepest recesses of her subconscious, Cath Palug was crying out in what could only be described as a feral, yet sonorous, cooing sound...

(A/N: What even is this chapter...)

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