Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 462 Jon vs an Ancestor

A/n: I think I shouted Elemental Fury in my thumb cuz I write a double Chapter on phone.

Daily + Monthly Extra!


(Part 1)

"Well, I don't remember owing you money."

"You don't."

"Good, because in a matter of fact, I don't owe anyone any money. However, if you want money, that's a different story."

"Ohohoho! What is your best offer?"

"Clingy High Elves discount, a wee lesser than Family and Friends discount."

"Nord, huh? You can't fake an accent in front of me."

"Come on! I just shouted that Green Lady twice, of course I'm a Nord."

"Been a while."


"Meeting a Voice Master. One must admit that unlike Common Nords, Voice Masters are more… wise and pick what they say carefully."

"I was told I have a big mouth, and I ain't wise, Lady."

"Heh heh! Will see about that."

"What's so funny?"

"Hmmm… unlike my kin, I don't hate Nords. Your race is the purest Human race remaining… descendants of the Old Atmorans."

"Same goes for you Altmer, descendants of the Old Aldmer. You know… I hate to admit it but Altmer and Nords share too much."

"I tend to disagree. We are the complete opposites."

"Really? How about this… a Nord and an Altmer walk into a bar, an hour later, some Guards come in saying they are looking for a wanted man who is tall, good-looking, won't stop talking about their ancestry and had a stick up his arse. Who do you think the people will suspect?"

"This is oddly convincing."

"Actually, if you pay attention, the stick up the arse thing is totally Altmer."

"I beg your pardon…"

"Ain't giving."

"... Altmer are the most mannered race in Tamriel by far."

"No, you folk are just too hard on yourselves. Who lives in a goddamn tropical island and go out to conquer the world. We Nords have more right in that one."

"We either go out or they will come in."

"Ugh! Thank goodness there is no oil around."

"Hmph! You are indeed a Nord with a month."

"Told you. Now what?"

"Let me ask you a few questions."

"Interview? I'm a Mercenary alright but I ain't for hire."

"Not hiring."


"You can say so."

"Do I have to record any birthmarks or tattoos?"


"Do I have to record how many Daedra I can summon or how cute my cat is?"

"No. Just show me your Aura?"

"My Aura?"

"Yes, that art that you humans became so good in. It reflects what kind of man you are?"

"Well, in that case…"

Jon didn't hide his hostility anymore and let loose of his Tyrant Aura. The moment he met that woman, he just wanted to turn and leave but that wasn't much of an option as soon as she showed up after him.

His agitated Aura that he held back since the beginning was if a fire spreading on a surface of gasoline, fast and violent then steady and still.

The High Elven Ancestor felt the Aura that is ever so domineering and sadistic, it's rhyme wasn't unsteady but perfectly controlled. Moreover, it has this Chaotic Good feeling to it.

"Alas, It is what I feared." The Altmer woman said faintly.

"..." Jon didn't reply waiting for her to go on.

"Another Monster." She said and reached out to the Great Sword resting on her back.

Jon said nothing, he just smiled faintly but after some thinking, he spoke.

"Oh! I see… I see." Jon nodded understanding the woman's reasoning.

He looked carefully at that Altmer old woman. Unlike him who was akin to a Dark Knight in his full Ebony, she was akin to a Paladin in light white armor.

Her armor was an Elven breastplate with arms and legs well-covered then she had a white robe over that with a small hood covering her white hair and revealing her aged face. Despite the wrinkles, she seemed to have aged taking care of herself despite being abnormally pale.

Still, her sword felt strong and powerful. A High Elf is rarely seen fighting with such a big sword let alone a Female Altmer. This should be one hell of an experience.

But just like High Elves, she cast [Empower] and [Accelerate] before a fight.

Jon focused his Aura to battle mode thinking the outer shell and thickening it while taking out the [Ebony Blade] and completely reinforcing it.

He held it with two hands and faced the woman. The two were silent for almost a minute but that minute was already how the fight started. In their heads, hundreds of simulations happened.

Defend, Counter, Lose.

Attack, Attack, Lose.

Evade, Attack, Evade, Counter, Win.

But it wasn't that simple at all once the fight started. The two bounced on each other with one kill move at the same time.

It is all for who is faster now.

*CLINK* *SCREECH* *Swoosh*

The two swords met, the two wielders passed one another exchanging places.

The result was…

Jon's sword was sent flying.

The woman's sword was cut in half.

The two turned back to one another with disbelief shown in their eyes.

His sword was better.

Her skill was better.

"My sword is Mithril." She said.

"My skill is seven paces of ten near perfection." He said.

Her Mithril sword was no match for the indestructible Ebony Blade. The [Fortify Swordsmanship] enchantment had a 7/10 effect of its top potential due to the enchantment [Awakening], once it passed 5/10, the sword was already incredible in all aspects and enhanced Jon's skill by a great deal.

Still, that woman took his sword down and he cut hers.

"How did this even happen?" He asked.

"Ha! Haha! I have no idea." She said but her laugh turned to a decisive one a second later.

She stood between Jon and his sword, held her hand out and cast [Bound Greatsword].

"What about you?" She asked.

Jon checked his options. He can call [Pride] or [Greed] but as weapons, they won't add much to his skill right now.

He thought about it and came up with something.

First, he cast [Empower] and [Accelerate] like her. This alone added 10% to his power and speed which were already buffed by his Aura. Second…

"QAH ULD HAAS!" (Armor Might Health)

A very pure and mystic power exploded around Jon and returned around his body creating a knight armor made of energy on top of his armor.

His appearance was astonishing but to the eyes of the Altmer woman, he was still unarmed.

"Are you done?" She asked.

He extended his arm to the side and all of a sudden, the Ebony Blade stuck far away in the ground started twitching and jumped out of its place back to Jon's hands.

"Now I'm ready." He said.

The woman didn't expect to see a weapon flying back to the hands of its owner but that can be expected from the kind of opponent she is facing.

Then two went at it again.


And again.


Two exchanges in one seven, the three in one and the speed kept rising.

How those two swung their swords was a mystery even to them. It was all depending on the thrill, the momentum and the survival instincts of a warrior. Even though she was using a Bound Sword, her skill in Magic was as amazing as her skill in swordsmanship and she maintained and reconstructed it during the battle against a terrifying sword suck as the Ebony Blade.

Between the two, a blade storm of dangerous energies and irritated Magicka laid waste to the terrain. They were fighting in a clear area not far from the travelers' road but the effect of the battle could be heard from the nearby city of Silvenar.

A few seconds after that last exchange, the Green Lady arrived near the two waiting for a chance to support the Altmer woman.

"Great Ancestor! I came to help."

Her words marked the end of the exchange between the two. Jon retreated away leaving two straight trails in the ground after him and the woman jumped to the back. The two showed signs of breathing hard as they seemed to have put some stamina in the last few moves.

"Ancestor? Who?" Jon looked at the Green Lady and then to the woman in front of him, "You?"

"Stay out of this, Norril." The Altmer woman spoke to the Green Lady.

Jon was at a loss for words. An Altmer Ancestor, a Green Lady… who else left? The Khajiiti Mane?

But what is terrifying right now is how he managed to stay his ground in front of an Ancestor.

Putting her in the same regards as Divayth Fyr is kinda blasphemous but at least an Ancestor is someone he needs to be very careful with.

On the other hand, the Altmer Ancestor woman was in a state of wonder. There are what is known as Monsters in this world. These are simply people who have frightening talents and great luck to grow further. Those people are either saviors or conquerors.

But Jon had a different view of the term. To him, the term "Monster" may refer to many things but it is mostly used by those people who reached their mental capacity to understand and perceive things.

Something like "Witches are Evil" was said in the Middle Ages. Even though with the probability of the existence of supernatural powers on Earth, many women of knowledge, herbalist and astronomers were dragged in public and burned on the stick.

It is just the same way people think. If someone is too strong, they will use and abuse their strength making common weak people see them as "Freaks of Nature" and "Monsters".

In a magical world, those "Monster" people are a different case than from non-magical worlds. Magic has tremendous abilities as it is and combining a heaven-defying talent with such a force gives birth to those "Monsters". People who perceive themselves as capable and get affected by their own power that pushes them towards great things.

For example, if someone uses a certain method for magic casting and it happens to be Necromancy, the vile art. Those necromancers have no respect for graves or the honored dead making use of every corpse they come across while in fact, they may have shunned that practice if they were not yet to become necromancers but now that they are ones and got a taste of that power, they won't simply go back and revert easily. The same goes for Pyromancers who burn people alive despite who cruel it is and how horrible it is to smell a burnt corpse.

In the end, the people referred to as "Monsters" are not much different. They are talented ones who can't give up their talents and drown in their powers more and more. Jon can't deny this is the case with him.

Now he is facing a.

"Do you know what is the only thing that can break a monster?" She asked.

Jon shook his head.

"It is another Monster." She said.


(Part 2)

"Do you know what is the only thing that can break a monster?" She asked.

Jon shook his head.

"It is another Monster." She said.

A Monster… of all the things Jon come to face is another Monster with the title of an Ancestor.

The irony! He couldn't help himself but smile wryly.

Yes, she was also a Monster. She was once called that by no one other than her own blood, her brother. She was rebelled against, fought by force and received a lot of hatred and contempt because of her power and talent. Despite the odds, she swept through all who opposed her unforeseen and achieved the one of the greatest legacies in the modern High Elven history. Her power grew with time and even with the demise of the Altmer at the end of the Second Era, she remained and became a hermit Ancestor by the years that followed.

"So you're saying that as a Monster, you are to take me down?" Jon asked.

"Yes, just like how I was broken before." She said.

"Oh!" Jon heard something interesting but the Altmer Ancestor seemed to be willing to go all out on his this time.

She held the Bound Sword firmly this time and made a full charge at him. Jon knew she was going to use all her might to bring him down and truth be told, he felt an unlimited amount of Magicka moving within her.


Despite holding the [Ebony Blade] with two hands, Jon called for [Pride] that came out from the Cube and floated like a drone over Jon's head.

He may have used this move before but this is the first time someone sees it. A staff floating on its own and casting spells by itself… now that's something to keep the term "Monster" fresh in mind.


She waved her sword with an unstoppable force at Jon but the [Ebony Blade] was there to take the impact. Jon, however, felt like his arms going numb and barely moved to defend the second coming attack.

"Women at these parts are so crazy!" He shouted.

"Stop talking and fight!" She said while attacking another time.

"STFU, you freak! I just dragged my ass from a fight with that crazy chick, gimme a fucking break."

"No! I'll kill you here and now!"

"You can't kill me let alone defeat me!" Jon stopped her sword and pushed back.

"Even breaking me won't stop me. I was defeated more than I ever won, I was broken before and here I stand once again stronger than before. I lost a foot, I lost my magic, I lost fingers of my hand, my left eye almost went blind. I was broken in the gutter of a prison and here I recovered once again. I returned! What more can you do?"

More than his power, his words pushed the woman further back.

She carried a lot of negativity on her face but she was still coming at him.

"You are right, breaking someone requires more. Breaking me… and many others in the fall of Summerset to that foul Numidium led by the one you call Talos. He marched to our home, sieging our castles, killing our armies and even when we ganged up on him in a fight, he put us all down, me included, with a stab right an inch beside my heart.

And I had to watch my country bend the knee while I was being rescued while hiding underground like a rat.

Takes a lot to break someone, believe me."

"And here you are." Jon said as her words didn't get to his head.

"And here I am… preventing the chance of another Monster to be born among your race by taking its head." She replied.

"Fat chance!"

*CLINK* *Swoosh*

She offered her strongest and fastest attack this time.

The [Ebony Blade] flew off Jon's hand again but he didn't put effort to retrieve it. In fact, [Pride] that was floating above all that time shot a strong spell towards the woman pushing her to retreat.

Jon was mercilessly dishing out spells while she kept the [Ebony Blade] under her foot despite its struggle to return to Jon.

Still, [Pride] was a very troublesome staff in the eyes of the Altmer woman. Despite Jon's various abilities that kept him alive against her, she couldn't understand [Pride].

A Staff flying around its owner casting magic on its own as if it is a third hand? This was something absurd in the field of magic. No mage has more than two hands, having a third may open the door for a lot of possibilities no one has ever achieved before.

Jon knew what it meant to have a third hand and how it happened.


[Pride, the Elder Staff of Power and Fate] <Sin>

- Imagination Magic

- Will of Pride (NEW)


Pride was evolving lately and started to have the power to move on its own will. Of course, that will was under Jon's control.

Yet despite all that, he was still not able to put the desired pressure on that woman.

Their Magicka was running short but Jon had a few tricks up his sleeve and it is almost time for one.

The Altmer woman decided to let go of the [Ebony Blade] she was stepping on and charged towards Jon before the blade reaches him evading all the spells he sends at her.

It was all now within her grasp. She waved her sword but didn't expect that Jon was having a trap for her.

A red glow shone from his left side as a black cylinder object with aimed at her.


A blast was head as she felt her abdomen turning numb and she was sent a few meters to the back.

Looking at it, Jon had formed [Greed] into a cannon-like object around his hand and used his Aura to make a close-ranged attack with such a power.

It indeed worked on her being the first attack he managed to cleanly land on her.

"Great Ancestor!" The Green Lady ran towards the Altmer woman but the latter seemed fine.

Right now, it seems that the Green Lady was willing to join the battle and fight Jon 2 on 1.

Jon retrieved the [Ebony Blade] but he was in a troublesome position again as he had to face the Altmer Ancestor woman who kept pushing him back and the Green Lady who is a troublesome illusionist.

"I know you two are strong and I will be defeated this way." He said then sent the [Ebony Blade] back in the Cube.


"But do you really think that I can't scratch you back if I wanted to?" As he said so, he took out a dagger this time.

And that was not any dagger, it was [Mehrunes Razor].


[Mehrunes Razor] <Daedric>

- Poison Damage

- Instant Kill Chance

- Fortify Dagger Skill


"Hmph! You couldn't defeat us with your large sword, you think you can do that with a small knife?" The Green Lady smirked.

"I would agree with your reasoning any day, the bigger the better in my book but sometimes, you need to be short and smart." Jon replied.

"Norril, retreat." The Altmer woman said.

"But Ancestor…"

"That is [Mehrunes Razor]. It may kill you with just a scratch." She said recognizing Jon's dagger.

It wasn't hard to recognize a very unusual weapon such as the Razor for its unique appearance but the same can't be said for the [Ebony Blade] and the [Ebony Mail].

The infamous Razor was known to be the weapon that can kill with one scratch. Jon can indeed scratch them as he is the kind of opponent they need to sacrifice a few fingers to take him down.

"I'll support you from behind." The Green Lady retreated and started casting a lot of protection on the Altmer woman.

[Stone Skin], [Accelerate], [Hasten], [Empower] and [Healing].

"Hey, that dirty!" Jon said.

"Is it?" The Green Lady smirked.

Jon refused to play by their own rules and put his touch on the fight.

"Greed, do your thing."

In Jon's hand was Mehrunes Razor, [Greed] which was acting as a cape moved on its own and entered the Razor.

The two women could see the strange anomaly and saw a weirder scene afterward.

The Razor which is a wide-bladed dagger changed to a very thin-bladed short sword with a delicate grip and a small guard maintaining its theme.

"What is that?" They asked.

"There is only one way to find out. WULD NAH KEST!" (Whirlwind Fury Tempest)

Jon used the [Whirlwind Sprint] while aiming the weapon forward. His speed was unimaginable as he reached the Altmer woman.

She put a hasty guard but what happened next scared the ever-living out of her. The small blade in Jon's hand pierced through the first layer of protection put by Norril, the second layer put by her, the Bound Greatsword she blocked with, the Elven breastplate she put on and the layers of fabric under it straight to her heart.

It was sure death moment that awakened a very terrible trauma.

The blade pierced the same spot that carried a grave scare from almost a thousand years ago.

A terrible fright possessed the Elven Ancestor as she felt the blade piercing through her skin. She used her own energy to blow herself backward away from Jon and Jon away from her.

In her state, she flew backward with no balance and crashed in a bad shape paler than a sheet of paper.


"Give up!"

The [Ebony Blade] was right in front of her neck as she was kneeling down with a line of blood dripping from the side of her lips.

"Great Ancestor!" The Green Lady freaked out.

"Don't." Jon warned her by putting the sword closer.

The Altmer woman didn't seem to be surrendering even in this state.

"You better kill me while you have the chance." She said.

"Believe me, I have every chance and all rights but that isn't worth it. I'm not the conqueror who broke you, I'm just some mercenary investigating something when that green bitch decided I am some sort of a criminal." Jon said.

She looked at him with resentment.

"Show me your face. Your true face." She said.

Jon felt unpleasant but so he did. He put away both [Krilon] and [Lust].

Long red hair, blue eyes, light beard, and a young handsome face.

"... How old are you?" She asked.


"Shut up!"


Both the Green Lady and the Altmer woman denied it right off.

They were defeated by 19 years old human. Their ages combined are almost a hundred times his age.

"Surrendering or not? I don't want to kill you, Lady." Jon said.

The woman hated surrendering even more but she no longer had the will to fight. He is too young to be the Monster she faced. He also had a different looks and manner of speech.

That was not another one of those ghosts of Tiber Septim that haunted her for centuries.

"Even among the ones I know, you are a Monster among the Monsters. I capitulate."

"Thank you."

Jon put his sword away immediately.

He fought against an Altmer Ancestor, not only did he live to tell the tale but he managed to make her admit defeat.

His knees almost gave in but her remained on by sheer willpower.

"Norril, Great Ances…" The sound of a running beast came by as a gigantic Senche-Raht stopped not far from them and a Khajiit on it.

He saw the situation from afar and his jaw dropped.

"Topaz is here." The Green Lady looked to the side and recognized the man.

After him, a fast carriage drove by fast followed by a number of Dominion Soldiers.

Isha came out followed by the rest.

"Krilon, you alright?" Miranda and Mirren hurried to Jon but froze in front of the Altmer Ancestor.

The situation was a bit tense for some reason but Jon gave a hand for the Altmer woman and helped her stand up to break the tension.

"I hope that you remain true to your word." He said.

"I will." She spoke.

"Teacher." The Khajiit named Topaz jumped off the Senche-Raht he was on and hurried to her.

"Enough, I am fine." She said and dismissed his worries.

Isha came near Jon and spoke to him.

"There is an update on the situation after we met the Mane." She said.

"The Mane? Where?"

Isha pointed to the Khajiit called Topaz.

"The Mane is called Topaz? Did they run out of names?" Jon wondered

[A/n: I did.]

"That's not what matters now. We came across a messenger on the way here. Zain appeared in Silvenar City an hour ago." She said.

"Wa… shit!" Jon almost wanted to slap everyone around.

"He broke into the graht-oak of Silvenar and some fight happened but he disappeared. We need to go now." She said.

"Wait! What's going on? Who is that Zain?" The Green Lady asked.

"The one we are after… the Troll Skull man that almost killed your husband, dimwit." Jon replied with an irritated face.

She lost all the composer and the air of a Green Lady then suddenly Teleported from her place.

"Wait! Norril." The Altmer woman tried to stop her but she felt weak due to Jon's last attack.

"Easy, teacher." Mane Topaz supported her.

The situation was somehow dependant on her so she swallowed her pain.

"That man… you are after. He attacked Thoron, the Silvenar." She spoke to Jon.

"I know. We are trying to stop him as well. If Silvenar Thoron is poisoned by his spear, we can help with that." Jon said and Isha nodded.

"Can this one asks for your help then?" Mane Topaz asked.

"As long as we are promised safety inside Silvenar." Jon said.

"You have this one's word." The Mane said.

"Let's not waste time then."

Everyone moved out, the Mane supported the Altmer Ancestor to his Senche-Raht and Isha woke Mirren and Miranda up by a snap of her fingers telling them to hurry up.

Jon took a deep breath and moved the last looking at the blade in his hand.


[Mehrunes Needle] <Daedric>

- Paralysis Poison Damage

- Instant Kill Chance (2%)

- Fortify Dagger Skill

- Skip Protection (Greed Effect)


It was the perfect weapon for an assassin no matter what but that woman was very lucky.

He looked at his other hand.


[Old Man's Coin]

- Fortify Luck


It was in tails. Jon hated tails.

"Sigh! Not my lucky day it seems."


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