Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 456 Lus

A day ago, a peaceful village on the edge of The Scar Desert was in chaos because of a fight between some experts that dragged to the place. A man took upon himself to jump in the oasis with a dangerous item that exploded with him creating a large water splash. This man was recovered later by his party but he was in a strange shape.

No one could explain how but the poor Khajiit seemed to have lost a lot of fur to the point where he looked like a human.

Anyway, he was carried to recover in the Temple as it seemed a Moon Bishop was accompanying the party.

The man in question is naturally Jon and since he took the exploding Orb to the bottom of the lake, strange things happened to him.

First, he was recovered by Mirren and Miranda but his disguise seemed to be exhausted and his face was green. As they stripped him from his armor, they noticed a small wound on his shoulder with a terrifying poison spreading through it.

Jon was barely conscious due to that poison, Nefertiti also showed the same symptoms as him. Knowing about his connection with her, they realized that Jon's injury was more than just physical.

After the mess was over, Isha remained trying to put herself together and Zara helped with Jon but kept demanding answers no one was having the mental capacity to answer.

In the end, the villagers acknowledged Jon and his party as their benefactor but still suspected him of dragging trouble towards them.

Jon woke up the next day with a terrible headache and a fevered head. He saw a ceiling he couldn't recognize but his head was still spinning.

"How did I get this drunk?"

"Aside from fishing you out of an oasis, you didn't do much drinking."

Jon looked beside him to see Mirren.

"What happened?"

"Nothing much. You took an exploding orb for us, the village is safe and Zain has escaped." As Mirren said so, Jon's memory was refreshed in an instant.

"Shit! What happened to Isha? Is she… *groan*" Jon tried to get up but a sudden pain assaulted him.

"Aaaand you are poisoned… badly."

Jon held his burning shoulder with a twisted face.

"What poison?"

"Green Cobra Poison." Mirren said.

Jon swallowed his salivary.

"How the fuck am I still alive?" Jon asked.

"Isha saved you. Surprisingly, she had the right antidote on her."

Jon looked at Mirren doubtfully, after all, what are the chances.

"It is something about her family using this poison as a signature. Her brother's spear is Enchanted with that Poison."

"Damn! This was close… how is she?" Jon asked.

Mirren sighed.

"She is okay. At least she didn't go into a trauma like last time but I can't say she is fine."

As he said so, the door to the room they are in opened and Zara walked in carrying a tray.

"Oh, you lived. Finally, Zara will get to hear an explanation."

"... Moon Bishop!" Jon and Mirren froze but Zara laughed it off.

"Miranda has already explained it. No need to be tense. Here, Zara made some herbal soup." She put the tray in front of Jon and looked around.

Jon thanked her and fixed himself up. He felt something strange with his lower half. He was about to pull the cover on him but Mirren held his hand.

"Let's not look down there now."


"Let's just not do it." Mirren said.

Jon looked at him doubtfully but he pulled the cover from the other side.

"What the…"

Jon's upper half was a human but the lower half seemed to be still a Khajiit. He looked to his legs then to Mirren several times demanding an explanation.

"Zara thinks that the poison has interfered with whatever concoction you use to transform and had some side effects inside you." Zara said.

"No. This can't be… the Transformation Potion was made with the best materials by the hands of a Master Alchemist. There is no way it conflicts with anything." Jon denied it.

He was poisoned many times and used several potions under the effect of the Transformation Potion but nothing happened like this before.

"Then Zara can't explain it. You must search through yourself and figure out what happened." She says and left the room.

Jon was bewildered as he looked at his legs.

"Mirren, can you help me up?" He said while stretching his hand to Mirren so the latter can pull him.

"Eh! Jon… your arm!" Mirren stepped back.

Jon looked at his arm and his jaw dropped down. His right arm alone was turning to an Argonian form.

"Okay! This is fucked up…"

Jon held his chin but he felt it is a bit wider than usual. He felt it again and again discovering two big fangs coming out from his lower jaw.

"And an Orc chin. Perfect!"

Even the [Transformation Potion] wasn't this powerful to transform some parts of the body on its own.

"Mirren, leave me alone for some time."

"You got it." Mirren walked out of the room running.

Jon let out a deep sigh and took out a small Light Screen from the Cube.

"System, show me everything."


••• Status •••

• Name: Jon Dare

• Race: Human (Nord)

• Age: 19

• Level: Early Fire Dragon Heart stage

• HP: 4235

• MP: 4429

• Condition: Negative

- Poison

- Chaotic Metamorphosis


••• Magic •••

• Mysticism: [Master]

• Destruction: [Expert]

• Conjuration: [Expert]

• Restoration: [Adept]

• Alteration: [Adept]

• Illusion: [Adept]

• Battle Spirit: [Advanced]

• Thu'um: [65 Words]


••• Powers •••


- Battle Cry (Active)

- 50% Frost Resistance


- Fireborn: 50% Fire Resistance

- Titanborn: Beast Master

[Astral Access]

- Vitality and Magicka Equilibrium

[Eternal Flesh]

- Disease Immunity

[Serpent Stars]

- Serpent Tyranny: All Constellation Compatibility

[Ahzidal's Genius]

- Ahzidal's Enchanting Knowledge


••• Blessings •••


- Root of Power: 2500% Magicka Regeneration (Active)


- Fortify Thu'um: 50% Cooldown


- Empower Thu'um

[Dragon Guardian]

- Dragon Affinity

- Ashen Flames (Active)


- Mad Champion: 2500% Vitality Regen (Active)

[Hermaeus Mora]

- Bardic Knowledge (Active)


- Dawn's Beauty: 50% Absorb Magic Attacks (Active)

[The Shadow Stone]

- Hide in Shadows

- Blur


"It has been nine months and my progress is this slow? Hmmm… let's see the effects… Poisoned and Chaotic Metamorphosis? What's that?"


"Next time, do the homework before I ask for it."

<Result Found!>

<The Host is inhabited by an unidentified entity.>

"Inhabited? Am I being possessed… like The Conjuring and Annabelle?"

<Analyzing the Entity… 12%... 45%… 79%… 100%>

<Result: Entity is composed of 100% Matter and 100% Magicka. Energy Signature matches the Host's by 100%>

"What is this crap? System, are you okay?" Jon didn't know whether to laugh or cry but he suddenly paused.

100% Energy, 100% Matter… a bearing made of energy and matter at the same time, there is only one being that has that weird combination and that is Greed, a Shadow Aether made of a Shadow Anomaly that was hammered with Jon's energy by force till it submitted to him.

In other words, this entity inhabiting Jon have the same qualities as the Aether.

But a matched energy signature only means one thing.

"What kind of absurdity did I create this time?"

Jon realized that he won't be able to pull out this thing without identifying it. To do so, he needed to meditate and scan himself manually.

"Sigh! Here we go again."


Outside the room where Jon was, several figures gathered under some shed.

"Moon Bishop, we are sorry once again for keeping our identities a secret from you." Mirren said.

"It's okay. Zara knows you have good intentions at heart but you must report to your master." Zara dismissed his worries. "More importantly, I have received a notification from the temple that the Disease has magically disappeared but some are still in bad shape so we ought to return and help. As usual, you siblings will stay clear from the Thalmor."

"About that…" Mirren shrugged lightly, "I think Jon and Isha will take the other direction."

"You want to follow your friends?"

"We are obliged to. Isha's brother and Jon's 7th Labour are not things we can put aside."

"Labour, huh? Just like you and your sister… this is some messy business indeed." Zara sighed and looked at the Altmer twins, "But your greater obligation is with the Temple. You are Core Adept."

"I understand but we will go either way." Mirren said.

"Fine, but disobeying the call of duty to the temple won't come cheap." Zara said.

"Demotion. We're fine." Miranda said.

"Then Zara wishes you best. You have spent twenty years to reach where you are. Zara hopes your choice is worth it." Zara didn't scold them or anything as she understood their motivation.

As the three conversed, Isha approached them.

"I am done with the injured villagers and helped fix the broken houses. Do you guys need anything from me?" She said.

The other three looked at her with complicated expressions.

"Isha, are you ok…" Mirren tried to ask about her but she interrupted him.

"I'm fine. If you don't need help with anything, I'll go check on Jon." She said and left.

Mirren watched her leave then let out a heavy sigh.

"She is not acting normally." Miranda remarked.

"I know."

"Talk to her."

"She doesn't want to listen."

After meeting her brother yesterday, Isha was shocked senseless but that didn't last long. Her shock turned into rage to the point where she kicked a boulder ten meters in the air out of rage. She then kept cursing every Daedric Prince she knows of.

She believed that her real brother is dead and whoever this imposter is, it tried to stab her with her brother's spear that he must have stolen it from his grave. A blood sin in Isha's book. Her real brother is a kind person and would never try to attack her. Hell, the real Zain was against the idea of her becoming a Martial Artist to begin with.

This was the most distasteful provocation she ever had and decided to support Jon in his Labour no matter what so she can bring this imposter down.

However, Mirren and Miranda knew better. Isha was clearly in denial.

"Let's go after her." Zara stood up and went towards the temple. The two followed her silently.

In there, Jon was sitting still with his eyes closed and kept meditating. His appearance was shifting between all the forms he changed into before.

Argonians, Orcs, Wood Elves, Khajiit… Jon abused the Transformation Potion too much during the past year for the sake of taking bandit forms and awakening the [Ebony Blade].

Isha was standing on the door of his room waiting for him to finish when the others came to her.

"He is busy training." She said so the others don't disturb him.

"What is he doing?" Zara asked.

"Jon has mastered the art of Inner Control. He can detect where the poison is, isolate it and stop it from spreading then force it out. He said he learned that after being bound to a cursed tree for two months."

"That's brutal!"

After some time, Jon finally opened his eyes.


••• Status •••

• Name: Jon Dare

• Race: Human (Nord)

• Age: 19

• Level: Early Flame Core, Dragon Heart Realm

• HP: 4235

• MP: 4429

• Condition: Normal


"Finally! Haha… show yourself, you little bastard."

His right hand came on top of his left as he started pulling out something from his left palm. The other four standing in the room got their eyes widened as Jon did so.

A few seconds later, Jon had a strange Crystal Orb in his hands. Jon supplied the Orb with Magicka and its size expanded then it changed its appearance from an Orb to a Sword then from a Sword to a Gem, then a Mirror, then a pair of Glasses, then many things. Jon was completely engrossed in analyzing what he just found.

It was another kind of Aether, a Crystal Aether. This thing was composed of the Power of Moonlight, the Crystal Tears, the Meteoric Glass, the Magic Anomaly caused by Zain's Orb and Jon's Astral Energy. All these light transparent materials formed an absurd Crystal Aether with a set of strange powers.

"Jon, what is that?" Miranda asked.

Jon looked at her then called out [Greed] from the Cube and put it beside the Crystal Aether in a matching form.

"Something similar." He said.

Crystal and Shadow were not that much of a pair. One symbolizes purity and the other darkness. Jon retreated [Greed] away and took the Crystal Aether around his hand to keep researching it without looking inappropriate.

"I am sorry, a strange discovery came out in a bad time." He said and looked at Isha. "How are you holding up?"

His question was innocent and Isha acted as if she didn't understand it.

"What are you talking about? about." She said.

"I mean… this thing with your brother." He said awkwardly.

"What are you saying? This wasn't Zain. Those accused Daedra won't stop trying to drive me insane but I know better."

"..." Jon was baffled by her reply and looked at Mirren who was sighing.

'This is not a good sign.' Jon thought.

"More importantly, how is your injury? Did you get rid of the poison?" She asked.

"Yes, look at the injury yourself." Jon turned his shoulder towards her.

Isha came closer and inspected the poisoned spot to see it clean, Jon also seemed to have returned to his normal appearance.

She then put her hand on the wound to inspect it but Jon held her hand.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.

Isha's face hardened. Her eyes looked hollow for a second then she turned towards Jon.

"My brother… he is alive… and he tried to kill me first thing he sees me. I… I feel like shit."

She stopped talking and her head pondered back and forth with a shocked face.

"I don't know what happened but someone did something. Whoever after that, I will murder them… I will… I will…"

Isha's feelings intensified but then she saw the look on Jon's and the rest's faces. They were bewildered by the killing intent and the anger she let out.

She noticed what she said and looked at Jon's hand holding hers, not feeling alright, she pulled her hand away.

Somehow, all the anger she felt turned into confusion but she knew something…


And Jon was slapped.

She then stormed out of the room.

Mirren blinked a few times before going after her, Miranda was looked at Jon with narrowed eyes and Zara blended with the wall.

"Okay… I'll be Bastard of the Day."

Jon willingly admitted it as he looked at the Crystal Aether that was coating his hand.


[Lust] <Sin>

- Metamorphosis

- Truth Inducement



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