Cursed Immortality

Chapter 885 Myriad Galaxy City

885  Myriad Galaxy City

The Myriad Galaxy City of the Myriad Galaxy Guardian Mountain is extremely large, expanding over millions of miles. That's why the city is divided into different domains: outer, inner, and noble domains. The outer domain was open to everyone; as long as they had no criminal background and paid the toll, they could gain access to the city's outer domain. As for the inner domains, this area was only opened to three steps of legend rank or above rank experts and influential and high-ranking members of the factions.

The noble domain was the area only for Legendary Nobles and above-rank experts, and the Myriad Galaxy Guardian Mountains higher-ups lived here.

Jacob was in deep thought as he contemplated the information that Autarch had just given him. Autarch had successfully turned a fable legendary rank scaled-man, who, by the way, was a magic beast called Ascaris Viper after he underwent its metamorphosis phase like a Wyvern.

But magic beasts with ordinary bloodlines can only gain hominoid form after they evolve their bloodlines further and turn into legendary rank beings, especially those who have no relationship with mystical creatures like Dragons.

Moreover, once a magic beast hit the full potential of its bloodline, it was common knowledge that it would never evolve. The only solution was to search for an even more powerful bloodline and hope for bloodline mutation. But this also had its own risks and limitations.

Anyhow, it took Autarch half a month to fully consume Ascaris Viper, and that's because Jacob had almost destroyed its soul, and Autarch didn't meet with any resistance.

Because if the Ascaris Viper were still in its heyday, then Autarch would have to be extremely careful. It would've taken almost fifty years before he could turn this fable legendary into its puppet.

As for the legendary king, which was the requirement for Autarch's evolution, it was impossible to succeed because eating a legendary king's brain without him first realizing it was simply impossible.

A Legendary King was in full control of his body, and they could instantly sense the differences in their body, no matter how small or insignificant it was, because of the soul totem. So, the moment Autarch sneaks into it, Autarch will die within a second!

That was one of the reasons why the Zodiac Plains had never seen a Brain Hunter of Legendary Rank. It was a gulf that couldn't be crossed, and no one in their sane mind would be willing to help this terrifying insect while knowing just what they were capable of, especially with their mastery over puppetry magic and uncanny abilities to control others without them even realizing it.

But for Jacob, it was very different. He knew Autarch was completely loyal to him, and that's why Jacob was determined to let Autarch evolve into legendary rank. This way, Autarch would be even more helpful to him. Furthermore, Jacob hadn't forgotten the fantastic insect's corpse he acquired from the Dark Ruins of Rare Plains. But he didn't dare to take the chance because Autarch might go out of his control. Jacob finally said, "So, we are currently in the Inner Domain of this Myriad Galaxy City? But where did the people go? In the Noble Domain?"

Ascaris Viper, who was now Autarch, expressionlessly replied, "Yes. Over two decades ago, the Myriad Galaxy King evacuated all the higher-ups and families of his loyal subordinates, including the army, into the Elemental Galaxy, Eamon, under the Myriad Galaxy King's control.

"But according to the memories of this body, this situation is more like hostage and captive. When those monsters attacked, everyone was caught off guard, and many people died. As time passed, it became quite clear that the Myriad Galaxy City was their prime target, and their attacks were relentless.

"That's why some of those high-ranking offices of the city who were enjoying the lives of luxury started to flee the city while taking away their wealth and also private forces, and some even took away city guards by beguiling them.

"When Myriad Galaxy King found out, he was furious, and he quickly captured those deserters before skinning them alive in front of everyone with their entire families!

"Furthermore, to make sure this never happened again and the city wouldn't fall because of those spineless cowards, the Myriad Galaxy King opened Eamon's cosmic gateway and took everyone below fable legendary rank inside or anyone related to them under the pretext of sheltering them.

"Not only that, but those who had no living leverage, the Myriad Galaxy King took away their wealth and treasures, and no one could resist, even the eight legendary lords of the city who are Myriad Galaxy King's blood relatives.

"But no matter how tyrannical the Myriad Galaxy King has been, this move also worked because Eamon's Cosmic Gateway can only be opened by the Myriad Galaxy King.

"Those fable legendary and above rank experts now have something they cherished held hostage by the Myriad Galaxy King. So, they had no choice but to play their roles and guard the city faithfully. These three were in the same situation, and their families were inside Eamon.

"As for those who could pass through the net, they were all worthless and deliberately left alone by the Myriad Galaxy King, and they couldn't get out of the encirclement of those monsters. That's why they become the target of some of these people's resentment, lust, and even torture.

"These three were planning to rob you and rape Miss Elia to death like everyone else they had found," Autarch concluded emotionlessly.

Jacob didn't seem surprised or angry. Instead, he asked, "Where is this Myriad Galaxy King now? Hiding in this Eamon?"

Autarch replied uncertainly, "No, the Myriad Galaxy is in the noble domain within his palace, and he's been guarding the city like everyone else from the legendary king-rank monster.

"Actually, the Myriad Galaxy King has found the Myriad Galaxy Guardian Mountain and Eamon and established the Myriad Galaxy City with the help of Alchemy Guild, but he holds the true authority here.

"For him, this city is his life's work, and he would rather die protecting it than abandoning it. Apparently, he wanted the others to do the same, so he won't allow anyone to leave. He even enslaved powerful members of the other factions and powers after the monsters appeared. It's like he had completely gone mad, and anyone who tried even to mention abandoning the city would be skin alive and made an example of!"

Jacob couldn't help but scoff when he heard this, and a hint of amusement flashed past his eyes, "Well, Autarch, I guess we have a winner for your next evolution's victim!"


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