Chapter 790
Chapter 790
Chapter 790: Chapter 207- Trinity – Surprise Baby (VOLUME 4)
“Meet your new little girl.” Griffin had just held up the surprise baby that we didn’t know anything about. I didn’t know that there was a little girl hiding in there underneath the boys. I never would have suspected it at all. I never, not in a million years, would have thought that she was going to be making this debut today.
“I..I can’t believe it, Reece. W..we have four new babies.” I started to cry happy tears as I looked at her. “B..but Griffin, is she OK? Sh..she looks so pale.” I was worried when I saw her being held up for me to see.
“She seems fine to me, but we will check her out.” Just as he said that the nurse, Jan, came over to him with a blanket. She was ready to take the baby to the nursery so that I could be closed up and taken to recovery.
“Queen Trinity, King Reece, do you have a name for her yet?” She knew that we had names picked out for the boys since they had all been told their names and they had likely been noted in their charts already.
“No. We don’t have a name picked out for her yet. W..we didn’t know about this little bundle of joy, so we couldn’t have figured that out yet.” I explained to her the truth about what had happened.
“Of course. We knew that you didn’t know, but I just thought that you might have had some girl names picked out just in case the ultrasounds were wrong, and the triplets were in fact girls instead of boys.” She had a valid argument there, but she didn’t know that I had more than the ultrasounds to go off of here.
“No, we knew for a concrete fact that they were boys. We have seen them, and what they will look like in a few years. Trinity has spoken with their souls. We didn’t need to worry about that at all.” Reece went ahead and spilled some of the beans on that one. It was fine though, I had announced at the baby shower that I was in the underworld, people might have learned things from other people, and they could all know that by now. So, I didn’t really mind that he had just told this woman about my excursion, well about part of it anyway.
“Well now, isn’t that nice?” Jan laughed a little. “That is fine, Queen Trinity, I will just put baby D or baby girl Gray for now. When you do think of a name, we will adjust her file to reflect it. This is unexpected though very exciting. Triplets have been rare enough in the hospital, but quadruplets are even more so. This will bring a lot of excitement to the nurses.” She was cradling my little girl in her arms when she said that and that was the moment that I first noticed something about the baby girl. She hadn’t cried. Just like Zayden, she was silent when born. So, she and one of her brothers were going to be quite easy going, or at least it seemed that way for now. “I will be going for now. I need to tend to the baby. Rest and recover well, Queen Trinity. We are all going to be eagerly waiting for the moment that we can bring the babies to see you.”
“Thank you, Jan. And please do care for my little ones well.”
“Of course, my Queen.” She nodded at me one last time and left the room then.
For some reason, I felt a pang of loneliness and emptiness ring through my body when my baby was taken from the room. I had been carrying the four of them for months and now they were no longer inside of me and were not even in the room with me. I couldn’t feel them. I couldn’t sense them. They weren’t here at all and that made me feel like there was something wrong. Even though I knew that there was indeed nothing wrong, I still felt that way. And I was likely to feel that way until they were all once again in the room with me. Until I held them all in my arms and was able to see them with my own eyes, I would continue to feel like there was this massive hole in my body.
Then again, I guess there was. I had gotten so big with the babies this time. And I had delivered them by cesarean section. I actually did have a giant hole in me. Both literal and figurative. That space that the babies occupied inside of me was empty and would take time to heal. And that love for them that I had grown inside of my heart over these months felt like it had been ripped away when they were gone. I don’t know why, it wasn’t like this with the other kids. Maybe because there were so many of them. Maybe because I hadn’t pushed them out of me like I had with the others, so I felt like I was missing an essential part of this whole process. I don’t know what the cause was, but I just felt like there was something that was missing inside of me and I needed my babies back with me again to fix it.
Yeah, I could tell that I was going to be very overprotective of them. Especially my surprise little girl. She had been neglected this entire pregnancy so far and that made me feel horrible. Whenever I talked to the babies, whenever I felt my belly, whenever I even thought about them, it was just the boys that I thought of. She had literally started out her life in this world as a neglected child. I didn’t like that feeling at all. I needed to make up for it. I needed to make sure that she knew that I loved her and that I would be there for her for the rest of my life.
“Alright Trinity, now that we have all the babies out, we can start finalizing all of this. I am sure that you are eager to get to recovery. You and Reece need to start thinking about a new baby name soon, right. Not only that, but I am sure that you are tired. Let’s get this wrapped up and get you out of here.” Griffin seemed to be in a good mood. Things hadn’t gone according to plan, but nothing bad had happened either. In fact, it was a happy twist of fate that gave us a new little princess. Quite literally. The surprise baby was going to be the surprise princess for the entire kingdom. I wonder what everyone else was going to say about it as well.
“There are no more in there, right?” Reece laughed nervously as he looked at Griffin. I could see his eyes and I saw that it was quite the serious expression that he was giving him.
“Not that I can feel. And trust me, that is a good thing. One surprise baby is one thing, but two and I would consider myself a failure as a medical practitioner.” He laughed at the mere thought of that. “You know, if I had used my magic to sense the babies at all during this pregnancy, I would have been able to tell that there were four of them. But I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to risk what that would do to their developing bodies.” I could tell that he was upset with himself.
“It’s quite alright, Griffin. This just made for a very nice surprise. We now have a lot of work to do to finalize things, but I think that this was a good thing. She was a little present that we weren’t expecting.” Reece seemed to be happy about this little girl, but he was still worried about how many had actually been missed. I was happy that he wasn’t upset about it at all. But I think that, like Reece, I was a little worried about how we were going to take care of four babies at once. It was going to be hard.
Over the next few moments, Griffin took care of whatever it was that he needed to do with my body. He was sewing me up and getting things taken care of for me while the stunned Dr. Razi watched over us. He hadn’t said a word in so long that I had almost forgotten that he was in the room with us. When I did look at him though, he seemed to come to his senses as he shook his head.
“U..uhm, congratulations Queen Trinity. I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, Dr. Razi.”
“Queen Trinity, I know that I am just a nurse anesthetist, but would you permit me to be there with you in taking care of you for the next few days? I want to make sure that there are no adverse reactions to the anesthesia and that you are healing properly.” May smiled at me eagerly. She was a sweet girl, even if she was a grown woman and probably older than me.
“That would be nice, May. Thank you so much. I would prefer if the only people that took care of me and the babies were from my kingdom. I don’t want people to get suspicious of us at all.”
“Yes, of course my Queen, I will make sure that you are all well protected.” She nodded at me as Griffin finished sewing me up.
“Alright. You are all set, Trinity. We will get you moved over to the other room. You will be there for a little bit until the spinal wears off and you can move. Once that is the case, we will move you back to your room.”
“Can’t she just go back to her room now?” Reece asked Griffin with his head tilted.
“I wish that she could, Reece. However, it is hospital policy that we take her to recovery. We want to make things appear to be as normal as possible for right now. And that means that we need to follow all the procedures.” Reece seemed to recoil as he thought about something just then. I didn’t know why, but I guess that I would ask him about it later.
“Yeah, you’re right. Rules are rules and we need to follow them.” That was off for Reece to be saying. I mean he was right, but it was odd that he would say it like that.
After that, May pushed over another hospital bed and I was helped over to it from the operating table. Once I was in position, they pushed me out of the room and into the recovery area. This was where I needed to wait until I could see my little babies again. I would make it through this, somehow.