Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 568 - Trinity – Declaration (VOLUME 3)

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"I will not follow a mongrel wolf that doesn't know her place." The same man who had spoken out against me earlier spoke up after the others were singing my praises. "I will not listen to a single word that she has to say. She does not deserve my loyalty or that of any of the rest of us. We are Fae. We are the true Fae that decided not to give up our magic. We are the master race. We are the ones that will come back into power, just you wait and see. We will rise to power again and take over like we were always meant to do." Well now, he wasn't pulling any punches now, was he? He reminded me of my father, and Solanum, and every other idiot that thought they would be able to rule the world like that.

"You sound like a megalomaniacal idiot." My words were nowhere near regal. However, I saw that every single dark Fae in front of me had recoiled in fear when I spoke. Had there been that much fierceness in my voice when I had spoken? I didn't think that there had been.

"'s not going to i..i..impress me a..a..a..a..all." The man spoke again.

"S..s..stop it Digitaria, just stop it." A woman in a cell close to the man that kept yelling at me spoke in a weak voice. "J..just it. C..can't you see that they are telling the truth? I..I m.AllNovelF(ull).Coman j..just l..look at h..h..her. She's n..not just a n..n..normal werewolf." The woman was trembling as she spoke, but I did learn something. Apparently, that asshole's name was Digitaria. That would mean that I could address him directly.

"I..I will not stop it, Babylonica. C..can't you s..see that this is all just a t..t..trick." Apparently Digitaria wasn't fully convinced that it was a trick but he wasn't ready to give it up yet either. Stupid man.


I snapped at Digitaria, putting a little more of my power into my voice when I spoke. I had expected that it would make the man be quiet, possibly make him stop rejecting everything that we were saying. However, I did not expect that it would make him fall back and land on his ass like he had been physically pushed.

"Wh..what was that?" He was nearly crying as he looked at me now. I guess that my power was a little stronger than I thought that it was.

"That was me starting to get annoyed with you, Digitaria. Do not make me lose my temper altogether. You will not like your fate shall I lose all my patience with you right now."

"Y..y..yes, Goddess, I..I..I'm sorry." He was shaking so bad that I thought I could even hear his bones rattling.

Now that I had him under control, it was time to address them all and explain to them what it was that was going to happen to them. I didn't like doing this. I didn't like being the one that had to look like the power hungry bitch, but I had no choice. I needed to be firm with them right now.

"All of you will be banished back to the dark Realm." I told them first. They all hung their heads. I could see the sorrow that was now filling their eyes. That place really wasn't that suited to maintain life. "Not only will you be banished, but you will all be stripped of your magic. We can not risk this all happening again. You are being imprisoned in the dark Realm as your punishment. And furthermore, all magic will be stripped from the lands of the dark Realm as well. The land will run on the power of the Goddess and nothing more."

By saying that, I told them that I was not fully abandoning them. Most of these people, they had probably only followed the orders that they had been given. They had probably followed their family's wishes and desires and because of that, they had forever been labeled evil and no good. They had even come to behave and think that way as well.

I would have liked to reform these people, to change them and make them proper citizens of the supernatural world. But right now was not the time to do that. Maybe, in the future, that was something that we could explore. Perhaps, one day, we could all live harmoniously together. Maybe,

"You will lock us away without even a way for us to survive? That place will be the death of us without our magic to protect us." Digitaria was the one to speak, of course. He seemed like their unofficial leader. Or maybe it was official. Maybe they knew we would come and they all, or most of them, had asked him to speak on their behalf.

"I will see to it that you have what you need to survive. Your imprisonment is not meant to be a death sentence." I assured him with a small nod of my head. "I hope that you will all use your time there to reform yourselves. See where it is that you went wrong in life and change what needs to be changed. It is not wrong to be independent and think for yourselves, however, it is wrong to murder people for it."

I made sure to be ambiguous with that statement, just telling them basically to not murder people, even for food. I hoped they were able to get that part of my message.

"So easy for you to say." Digitaria whispered in a slightly depressed voice as I looked at him. I hoped that this was truly the worst thing that I ever had to do. I didn't want to keep punishing people like this, not to this extent anyway.

"I do sincerely hope that one day, we can all live together in peace." I put all of my emotions into my voice as I said those words.. I don't think that they agreed with them though, since most of them scoffed at me and didn't say a single word.

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