Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 442 - Day MDCCCLXXIII, Part I

I started the day early, just like usual, but my mom was still asleep, so to not wake her up, I left to take a bath in the bathhouse, and then did a bit of shopping, and returned to prepare the breakfast. I didn’t have much time, since the girls were also early birds.

I summoned a few shadows to help me in the kitchen.

Because there was very little time to even think, I just went with some scrambled eggs, bacon, sandwiches, and some tea. We made it rather fast, then I shadow walked back to the city center to pick up Ki’rai and Tihana.

They were already waiting for me, hanging out, and looking around.

– Finally – said the human girl. – I thought you won’t show up, and we will have to starve to death.

– I’m hungry – said my little lizard.

I ignored their world, and just grabbed them, and immediately returned to my house.

– Kitchen is on the left, but wait for my mom – I said, and went to knock on her door. – Mom? Breakfast is ready.

I heard some grunting, indicating that I woke her up.

– Yes… I’m coming – she said with a sleepy voice.

I left her and returned to the girls.

– Is she coming? – asked Tihana.

She was already sitting behind the table, clearly ogling at the food. Ki’rai also looked like she really wants to eat.

– Yes. Give her a few minutes. Her body is working in a different time frame. She should be still asleep for at least for few hours.

– I get that – sadi Tihana.

On the other hand, Ki’rai kept looking at me and at her, completely clueless. The human girl noticed that and quickly explained.

My mom showed up a moment later, tightly wrapped in a bathrobe, rubbing her eyes.

– Hi – she said to the girls, smiling.

– I made you some tea, there are eggs, bacon, and sandwiches.

– Thank you – she said, passing by me, and touching gently mi cheek.

Then she picked a spot for herself, which led to all of them finally starting eating. At first, they just glanced at each other, smiling. Everything seemed to go well, so I grabbed some food by myself and sat on one of the kitchen cabinets, to watch them.

– Why don’t you sit with us? – sked my mom in Polish.

– Because I want to look at you all, eating – I said with a smile.

She laughed and shook her head.

– So, how old are you my dear? – she asked Tihana.

I had to translate for them, so they could actually talk.

– I’m fifteen.

This information made my mom look at me.

– She needs to go to school. Do you have a school here? – she asked in Polish.

– No. Not yet, but we are in the process of organizing one – I explained.

– She definitely needs to get some education – she continues.

Tihana could only understand that we are talking about her, so she kept looking at me, so I would tell her what we are talking about, and I did.

– I don’t need school. I have this place. I can hunt.

– You are getting your education young lady, and there is no discussion about it – I said to her, and then added in Polis so my mom would understand what’s going on. – She is rebelling.

– School it’s good for you sweetheart – my mom said to her in Polish.

Although Tihana couldn’t understand words, she knew exactly the message my mom wanted to give her, so she responded with a fake smile.

Then my mom told them both a story of how she, herself, never got a proper education and had to work hard through her whole life as a seamstress. She kept mentioning all the times when she stabbed her fingers or all the small pieces of cloth she had to pick up every day. The long days spent with the sewing machine. Then it went to her back constantly hurting, and the fingers getting numb with age. She basically started telling them how hard her life was, and I had to translate it all.

When the breakfast finally ended my mother went to wash up and change. Then we all walked by foot through the ruined part of the city, all the way to the city center. My mom really wanted to do that, so she could see how it all looked before we changed it.

The weather, as always, was perfect for sightseeing. Clear sky with the sun shining brightly. A bit of wind, just enough to make the hot weather bearable.

For the first thirty minutes, she was really interested in the ruins, but then it got boring, although she still refused to be taken to the destination vias shadow walk.

After arrival, I got them all something to drink, since the two humans were out of breath, and I didn’t want to exempt Ki’rai from the group. She had a bit of trouble with drinking from a bottle, but after a moment she figured it out.

Then I led them all to Wuxia’s headquarters to visit Hatta and introduce both my mom and Tihana to him.

He was busy working on some papers, but that never stopped me before.

– Morning! – I said, entering, ignoring the guards.

He looked up, straight at me. The first reaction was indifferent, but then he noticed the group behind me, and he smiled. He stood up and immediately came closer.

– This is my friend Hatta, one of the most important people in this city. This is my mom, and this is my adopted daughter Tihana.

– Miss… – Hatta started, extending a hand.

– Marzena – I helped him.

– Miss Marzena – he said with a surprisingly good accent, probably thanks to ‘Linguist’ skills.

[0)ᴠʟ Judging from the difference between him and Will, he had to spend more points on that class.

– Hello – said my mom, and shook his hand.

– Hi – Tihana greeted him shortly.

Then he invited us in, offered some drinks. All of them wanted some wore water since it was so hot outside, and they had to walk such a long way.

We spent around an hour there, with me translating everything. At some point I pulled Hatta to the side, to ask him to notify Nobuo, Boris, Jayadeva, and Aisha that I’m also going to be visiting them.

He did that swiftly, and the conversation resumed.

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